Is there such a thing as to much protein?

All of sudden I am having urinary infections. It is either to much protein 80-90 grams a day or I need to decrease biotin intake. Now taking 5000 mg.    — Arnice (posted on July 15, 2008)

July 15, 2008
Yes, my trainer says that if you have too much protein intake you can actually gain weight and she also mentioned that constipation is an indicator that you are consuming too much protein.
   — bariatricdivalatina

July 15, 2008
My nutritionist recommends staying at about 70-80 per day. She said more can cause renal.. meaning kidney issues. So I guess that would make sense to me. The protien can also interact with certain meds you are on. there are differences between isolate and whey protien and if you are on thyroid meds. Something to check into.Just a little fyi. So far I am on 1000mcg daily and not having an issue and hair loss seems not to be an issue either yet....
   — Jessica P.

July 15, 2008
To much protein can cause kidney stones....I would call my Dr and stay with the numbers he tells you .....everyone is different so ask him......or her Pam / Ft Worth....Bandster Bites [email protected]

July 15, 2008
Why are you taking Biotin? The recommended daily allowance is 30-100 mcg per day, certainly not 5000. Are you diabetic? Are you drinking enough water?
   — nancycarle

July 15, 2008
Or nut told us that man needs app 90-100gr protein, woman 80-90. More is not good, but since not all protein are the same, it is good to get protein from differnt sources. there is a scale for biavalability of protein, and whey, and eggs are the highest, when soy is not so much. They do not recommend soy for people with kidney stones, or people with thyroid problems.
   — H.A.L.A B.

July 15, 2008
I had reoccurring UTI's in the first few months after my RNY surgery. My doctor said it was from not drinking enough fluids, to wash all the burned waste out. (fat being burned) So I started walking around with a jug of ice-water, stuck with it, and haven't had anymore problems. Hope this helps.
   — lesleigh07

July 15, 2008
It's probably all the junk and waste you are getting rid of...All that fat and weight goes in the toilet...Try adding a probiotic, They help me with yeast infections and gas and lactose intollerance and irritable bowel syndrome! Love those probiotics! A little lemon in your water might help clean the urinary tract a little too
   — .Anita R.

July 15, 2008
My doctors office told you that anything over 100 would not get absorbed into the body ... would go right thru you. So, I was told to try to hit 80 grams a day ... anything over that would be wasting my time ... eat veggies for vitamins in the place of additional protein.
   — Tammy Cardwell

July 15, 2008
I'm six months out and also taking 5000 biotin...but are you sure it's not mcg, instead of mg? At any rate, the biotin is helping me TONS, and I'm not seeing any UI issues. I think you've got it right - you might be pushing your organs a bit with the protein. My doc recommends 60-75, that's not TOO much less...
   — crydecker

July 18, 2008
I am 3 1/2 weeks post-op. My Dr. could not stress enough to me to drink water in between meals. It helps with constipation and flushing the kidneys. Shane,M
   — toyaddict

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