Is it normal to run a low grade fever, 99.2-99.9, 3 days after your surgery?

I was running a small fever a week prior to surgery. However, it went away the day of surgery. Now 3 days post op, I am running one again. Has been 99.2-99.99, is this something I should be concerned about, or is it normal?    — heavenboundiwillbe (posted on December 5, 2008)

December 5, 2008
Not really a fever. Its normal to have elevated temps after surgery due to the inflamatory response. If you temp increases or you have abdominal pain, shortness of breath or pain with urination call your surgeon. Walking and making sure you to deep breathing will decrease your temp.
   — urbrat2

December 5, 2008
I am not a doctor. Maybe you should call your doctor. It seems normal to me. My temp is usually 96 to 97. I have fibromylagia and my doctor says thats normal for people like me. Your body has gone thru a great trauma and if your really worried all your doctors office.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 5, 2008
keep yourself hydrated and take deep breaths. If it goes over 100.4 call you pmd
   — blueyes711

December 5, 2008
Call your doctor. This might be nothing but just to make sure... Good luck.
   — maria09elena

December 5, 2008
You are is just your body telling you that something is is kind of a way your body fights back..if it gets any higher, call the doc..Good luck!
   — gonnaB1hotmama

December 5, 2008
I ran 99- 99.9 off and on for about a week after surgery. My instructions were if it went to 100.5 that was when to worry. But if you are concerned call your doctor. That is why they are there. Best wishes.
   — tonitoot

December 6, 2008
Keep yourself hydrated with water. Walk short distances normally. Got to your Doc just to be sure; maybe just inflammatory response. NO meds. If your fever gets higher or you start experiencing symptoms like pain or nausea; definitely get to a doc or an ER. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

December 7, 2008
Yep, it's normal to have this inflamatory response about three to four days after any surgery. It's nothing to worry about, though. Check your incisions, making sure that they don't look red or purplish, check if they are hot to the touch or smell bad, or if you have lots of drainage from them. If you have any of those things, call your doctor right away. Otherwise take some tylenol or whatever pain medication you got from the doctor and chill. It will go away in a few days, but keep an eye on your surgical site, in case. If you're really worried, call your doc. I'm sure they would rather you call than not. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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