When you work the night shift say 12 am to 9am, when should you eat?

   — robmot28 (posted on January 4, 2012)

January 4, 2012
I work 11pm to 7am and log my food..but do nto log like breakfast lunch dinner..i just have it labled IN A DAY on myfitnesspal....and eat when ever i think about it...just make sure i log it so i can see how much i have ate in a day...and make sure i get my protein in
   — That_816_Princess

January 4, 2012
I work from 2 a.m-11 a.m. and it's a hard balance. On my way to work I eat a protein bar. For "lunch" I eat an apple w/peanut butter. Snack maybe an orange or one serving of pretzels. Then when I get home I eat a "meal". I also use GL
   — slvbullet

January 4, 2012
This is not the right answers that I am seeing here to this question... I too have to work nights... You are simply on a diferent sleep schedual than other people that is all depending on your activity in your job you need to eat your meal accordingly. My breakfast starts at 1pm when I get up after sleeping my 6-8 hours. Then I have my lunch (bigger meal)wityh my family at around 6pm then they are having their supper.Then I have a snack of 1 oz of cheeze or protein around the time that I arrive at work. Then decaf coffee and a allbran bar and a fruit and again a protein. I work a very physical job and this works for me. And with being a success of having lost 220 lbs and keeping it off for a year I think that this is a great formula. By the way I am a female And I have never exercised to this day and have little to no hanging skin. The key is protein protein protein. Lots of fluid and VITIMENS D will help you loose.And maintain You do not have to grab for the carbs because you are bored at work that is going to hurt you progress. And Stay away from Juice. One oz of juice is the sugar of one fruit. so typically we tend to want to drink an 8 oz glass. you are getting MORE than you need!. However if you feel that you need a snack... Have protein and remember to continue to eat slow. Put down the book turn off the t.v and radio when you are eating . You need to focas on what you are eatin and how. IT REALLY WORKS! Hope that this works.
   — OntarioSilk

January 12, 2012
Thank you for your thoughts. I will differently cut out those garbs I have been eating. I have broken sleep during the day to so, I need to put myself on a schedule. I have been stuck at this same weight for sometime and I really want to get to my goal. I want to lose 30our more pounds. I also struggle really hard with depression and that evil person in my head saying its ok start tomorrow. What are you suggestion?.
   — robmot28

April 29, 2012
I work the 11-7am shift as well I eat DINNER on my break. I had a very bad experience because I listened to all my none bypass friends and just had a snack and coffee at break and all my vitamins and proteins took a nose dive, putting me in my own hospital and making me orthostatic hypertensive. I have a lean cuisine or hospital dinner eating protein first. On the night shift we forget days and nights are backwards we sleep during our regular meals and can't make them up meds and meals have to be ajusted...Anna

May 9, 2012
HELLO, gastric bypass or sleeve patients aren't suppose to be drinking and eating at the same time. You must wait 30 minutes in between!!!! All I know is that I have to have 90 grams of protein daily so I am never hungry because I have to eat all this protein. I do not eat meat so it is a chore finding things to eat.
   — FSUMom

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