Would having braces effect Wls?

I have a referal for an Orthodontist, if I get braces on before the surgery will that effect anything? or should I wait until after the surgery. I am trying to get my root canal done, and the cavities filled first.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 13, 2001)

November 13, 2001
Hello: You should definitely have your root canal and fillings done first. The braces shouldn't interfere with WLS. You will be on a soft diet for awhile anyway. I'm a dental hygienist and I worked for an orthodontist for 5 years. Hope this helps. Ciao, Victoria in Italy :)
   — perezrdh

November 13, 2001
I had my surgery in Aug. with my braces on. It did not have any effect of my surgery what-so-ever. In fact, the nurse laughed when she had to fill out the dental portion of the admittance sheet and wrote "braces - kept with patient". Good luck.........
   — Betty M.

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