I know people are diffrent shapes, and I have read that a pear shape is....

I have read that there are different shapes, is there someone who knows what the shapes are and is it difficult to lose with the different shapes, I have read a pear shape is difficult. I am more bottom heavy and heavy in my hips.    — Tina B. (posted on December 27, 2001)

December 27, 2001
Tina, I had always been "pear-shaped." In other words, I had a big butt! Even when I weighed less, my butt was much bigger proportionally. I always had a hard time finding pants that fit. Forget boots, too: my ankles and calves could not possibly be crammed in there! Even when I exercised, I still had a biggish butt.<p>I am very happy to tell you that I lost weight from my butt first with WLS and am now correctly proportioned--fitting in most clothes with no problem and no annoying extra 6 inches in the waist to get in pants that fit my butt. I think that it is because most of my looser skin is in my waist. I have gone to a proportional 36-29-37. It ain't 36-26-36, but clothes fit and I look healthy!<p>Now for the downside: my calves are still big. They are getting smaller and I can get INTO the boots, but they still look crammed in with calf spilling out over the top. Not a good look. *sigh*
   — ctyst

December 27, 2001
My surgeon told me I would be a slower lose because pear shaped women have the hardest time losing weight. Fat stored on the butt and hips is to allow us to have healthy babies during time of famine. Men tend to be apple shaped. It's weird, but the apple shape is actually more unhealthy, leading to more health problems like heart problems and diabetes. Even so, I have lost 71 lbs fighting both the pear shape and pcos, I have 150 more to go. Being pear shaped makes it maybe a little slower, have to work out a little more, but not close to impossible. best of luck
   — Becky K.

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