When is it okay to eat peanuts for protein?

I'm 11 weeks post op and would like to have a handful of peanuts for one of my small "meals". Is this okay this early after surgery? I heard they are extremely hard to digest.    — vbenedict0208 (posted on January 11, 2002)

January 11, 2002
I have been eating peanuts since about 8wks after surgery ,for the extra protein and also for the potassium. I talked with my dietician and she said that I needed to chew,chew,chew and I have been doing that and I haven't experienced any problems. I had a lap RNY on 9/26/01. I don't very many at one time,and I usually have them only 2-3 times a week and sometimes not at all, I did not get the ones with skins on them as I knew that would not be alright,I would talk to your Dr. or nutrionist and see what they have to say. Good luck
   — Jennie D.

January 11, 2002
lee i am 3 1/2 weeks post op open rny/silastic band & have discovered soy nuts. roasted & salted. i was amazed at the delicious taste. they break down real well in the chewing process & only 1/3 of a cup has 11 grams of protein.
   — sheryl titone

January 11, 2002
My nutritionist said that it would be OK to have peanut butter 3 days after surgery. She suggests putting it on a banana, but I would ask my doctor first.
   — Linda V.

January 11, 2002
I have been eating nuts since about 6 weeks. I eat cashews (yum my fav.), peanuts, and sunflower seeds. I have never had a problem with any of them. I keep little packs in my purse/car in case I am out and need a little snack. Very convenient, nutritious and tasty.
   — Cheri M.

January 11, 2002
Hi. Post-Op Nov. 2, '01. I just had a small 99 cent bag of cashews for lunch at work yesterday. Chewed well and had no problems. Also, almonds are great. And I bought a beef jerky and ate some of it yesterday. All good protein stuff and I'm having no problem digesting it. I think chewing it up well is the key. Plus, once you take a bite or two, you'll know if you are ready for this stuff. Good luck, friend.
   — blank first name B.

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