Are my hot flashes a side-effect of GBP or menopausal?

I am 53 and 14 months post-op. How do I tell if these hot flashes are a side-effect of rapid weight loss or I'm in menopause?    — Linda B. (posted on April 11, 2002)

April 11, 2002
Your pcp can order labs that will tell you if you are in or nearing menopause. I think it tests your estrogen level, but I'm not sure.
   — Donna L.

April 11, 2002
I'm 50, and had gone thru menopause with minimal discomfort from hot flashes etc. Pre op my GYN told me not to be surprised if my hot flashes increased and intensified. He explained that estrogen is maintained in fat, and with rapid loss this is to be expected. Boy was he right =(
   — Denise W.

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