Am I wasting my money??

I just bought Flax seed oil in lidquid form. It says to take it with food. Ok, will my body use this or not? I bought it at Walmart and it was cheap. I always try to buy all my vitamins in liquid form or powders. Thanks!!~    — Laura G. (posted on April 17, 2002)

April 17, 2002
There are so many health benefits to taking flax seed oil, for cholesterol, heart disease, symptoms of menopause...just to name a few. However, you should check first with your physician to get the go-ahead to add it to your nutrition regimen. Flax seed oil has natural properties of fiber, and depending on where you are in your surgical journey the addition of fiber may or may not be recommended. Good Luck to You!!
   — Jess R.

April 17, 2002
My Nutritionist told me that the oil is difficult to digest and my cause reflux or heartburn. It can also cause cramps and the runs. She suggested that I buy the seeds (sold in bulk at health food stores and very cheap)and grind them to a powder. She advised adding 1 to 2 teaspoons of the powdered seeds to food daily. I'm guessing that you are concerned about essential fatty acids. You can get the same benefit by grinding walnuts to a powder. Flax oil and seeds have an estrogen like component that can effect your cycles. Be sure to check with your doctor or nutritionist before using either. I do not have a surgery date yet, but am trying to get used to vitamins and supplements I'll be using now to be sure I can tolerate them. Take care!
   — Barbara M.

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