my wife had surgery on 5-8, was upset at her condition 4 hrs after?

my wife had surgery yesterday, (lap rny), her surgery took about 6 hrs due to adhesions from previos surgery, to pacifiy me they let me see her in recovery 4 hrs after surgery, i guess from reading the posting i expected to see her sitting up and lookin pretty much normal, but she looked like a truck hit her, semi-lucid and all she could mention was the pain she had in the lower abonmin, this morning i called the nurse she said she was sitting in a chair, on pain pump and doing good, please give me feedback am i expecting to much and is she going thru normal healing or should i be concerned, i have seen postings that peeople are up and wolking on the afternoon of surgery and am a little concerned?    — Rich C. (posted on May 9, 2002)

May 9, 2002
Rich, I know you must be scared for your wife right now, and I wish both of you the best of luck. It is completely normal for your wife to have looked like she's "been hit by a truck" only four hours after surgery. She was probably still way out of it from the anesthesia, and probably couldn't feel much of anything in her body except the pain from having her abdominal muscles cut into - yes even with lap they are going through muscles. My surgery was only about three hours, but I didn't go in until almost 3:30, so that first night was a complete loss to me. I just remember lying in bed, slipping in and out of sleep, unable to move, it hurt to breath, I FELT like a truck hit me. I was open, but there were others on my ward that were Lap and they didn't look a whole lot better that first day. By the next day, although I still had a lot of pain, yes I was up and walking too. It is good that your wife is sitting up in a chair this morning, I wouldn't doubt that within the next few hours she'll be strutting her stuff down the hospital hallway too. There is no such thing as being *too* concerned, it just means you care.
   — PaulaM

May 9, 2002
I had lap rny on Jan 16 2002. My surgery took about 7 hours just because I am difficult(LOL). What you are explaining about seeing her after surgery IS normal. They may make ppl walk after surgery but believe me I doubt they wanted to do it. After surgery I was out of it I barely remember being in ICU that night and being transferred to a room the next morning. I remember my back was killing me after surgery and I got out of bed and leaned over the bed to try to make that pain go away. I am sure if you asked my husband what I looked like it would be the same response as yours! It sounds like she is doing well and all is normal for the surgery! Good luck to you both!
   — kittycat

May 9, 2002
Rich, I'm sure your wife is fine. It depends on the person. I have heard people talk about feeling like they had been hit by a truck. Also, since she had to have a bunch of adhesions removed, that would contribute to the amount of pain. And one more thing, when people first wake up in the recovery room, they may not have been given any pain meds, so it can take a while until the hospital personnel gets those administered and adjusted to the individual. If she's sitting up this morning, I'm sure she's fine. And what she's going through is not at all out of the ordinary.
   — garw

May 9, 2002
Hi Rich, yes, this is totally normal. She will go through a rapid recovery phase. At first you *feel* like you have been run over by a truck and drug 50 feet. It sounds as if she is progressing normally by already sitting up. They gradually get you to the walking phase. It is a little uncomfortable at first, but the more you move around, the looser you become. She will also walk kinda hunched over for a while after getting home. This is to 'protect' the incisions from pulling. While they are healing, she will be sore. Give her lots of time to recover and pamper her every way that you can. I'm sure you will, you already sound like a great compassionate husband who is worried about his better half. Congrats to her and you. This is the beginning of an awesome journey!!
   — Cheri M.

May 9, 2002
Rich, I agree with previous posters that this sounds normal. Adhesions from prior surgeries would definitely contribute to that "hit by a truck" look and feel, even with laparoscopic surgery. It's true that some folks get up and walk following surgery, but I think that might be too much to expect after six hours of surgery and anesthesia. Sounds like she's making good progress, though, up to a chair and with good pain control... and that's what matters most now, I think. Best of luck to the both of you!
   — Sarah B.

May 9, 2002
I am 54 and had surgery on 4/3/02 I remember that the first 3 days were like a fog as i was on pain meds alot . I had high blood presure and high blood count . The ng tube was awful . For the first 3 days I kept telling my husband to go home because i was feeling out of it . Then on the 4th day when they removed that ng tube i felt so much better and that is when i started to come to life so do not worry she will be fine . Keep this in mind it takes time for all to heal - I feel better with each week -- i felt better the second then the 1st and so on -- In a couple of weeks she will be sooo happy that she went threw this and the lbs will start coming off right from the beginning . I wish u both much happiness and Gods blessing
   — sallie P.

May 9, 2002
Hi...the first 24 hours after surgery are heck on wheels! My surgery was on May 2nd. Yes, they do get you up and walking (about 20 feet with a walker), but you have a nurse or assistant with you every second. There will be a timeframe to get adjusted to your pain medication. There is lots of pain, but it is mostly well-controlled with the pump. You are zonked out on the morphine. I looked in a mirror while brushing my teeth the morning after the surgery (with a nurse by my side) and I looked drunk and disheveled but I really didn't care very much (morphine does that). The fact that she's now up sitting in a chair and using her pain pump is very normal and very good. She's coming along perfectly. Soon she'll be look more like her old self and will slowly get back to normal. Just hang in there and give her all the support and love you can. Love and hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 9, 2002
Your wife is fine. She will be on the pain pump for a few days to control pain. Encourage her to use it as often as possible. When I had my surgery 11 months ago, I honestly don't remember sitting up until the next day, so she's right on schedule. I was up and moving the evening of my surgery. They don't let you stay in bed very long. They expect you to be up and walking (with pain pump) shortly after surgery.
   — dolphins94

May 9, 2002
this is a follow-up comment to my ???, i just left my wife in ICU, she had just had the "leak test", done and is awaiting the results, she is lucid this morning but still in tremendous pain, but she said most of the pain is from the "leak test" , gas pains
   — Rich C.

May 9, 2002
I'm sorry to hear that your wife is now in ICU. My prayers go out to you and your family. Please keep use posted on her condition.
   — Karen M.

May 9, 2002
I don't even remember 4 hours after my surgery, I remember waking up momentarily in recovery to tell the RNs that I couldn't breathe, when I actually could breathe but I was intubated and didn't know the difference. I don't remember any pain except my back killing me from laying on the OR table for hours. It's very normal to look really awful after surgery! I perked up within 24 hours. You're wife will become her old self soon! My best wishes to you and your family!
   — jenn2002

May 9, 2002
She went through 6 HOURS of surgery and you expected her to look normal?? Sorry, but for ANY type of surgery 6 hours is a long time and the anesthesia alone for that time would knock you on your butt for the remainder of the day at the very least. My surgery lasted for 3 hours and I remember (vaguely) waking up but basically sleeping for the majority of the day and night. I would wake up for periods of time but slept the majority of the day. Give her some time. She's going to be hurting. She just went through MAJOR surgery. Everybodys tolerance to pain is different and everyone recovers differently.
   — Patty H.

May 9, 2002
The first two days are pretty much a blur to me. I am one week post op and feel much better now. time will heal all wounds. Prayers are with you...
   — candymom64

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