What can I do to heal raw skin where my legs meet my torso?

I am only 6 weeks post op and have lost 35 pounds. The skin on one side of my body, where my leg meets the torso and above the pubic area is raw. It is painful and oozing. I tried powder but it just seems to lump up. What can I do?    — Brenda A. (posted on June 12, 2002)

June 11, 2002
first off take a picture of it for case you want a TT later on...... take a picture and date it...then call you doctor for documentation and they can give you some thing to help.....the only thing you can do is keep it dry and keep the skin off each other........
   — Sharon F.

June 11, 2002
This is kinda weird but I have been doing it for years. I wear cotton undies and tuck them between my stomach and crotch. It looks weird but haven't had those problems since. try it ( you might like it :)
   — ann M.

June 11, 2002
Hello: I had the same thing about 3 wks post op and it turned out to be a yeast infection on various parts of my body. I had the oozing painful itching stuff at the same place that you did and also under my breasts and armpits. It was from the antibiotics that I was given in the hospital. The dr gave me some WONDERFUL cream to put on it and it went away within a day or so. Felt better IMMEDIATELY..Call your dr for some creme and they can also give you a 1 pill thing called DIFLUCAN that you only take once and it kills the yeast in your blood. Good Luck
   — Joi G.

June 11, 2002
try gold bond medicated powder or now they have a cream. it would probably burn a little, but it definately helps.
   — candymom64

June 11, 2002
I get this all the time my skin actually peels off sometimes what I do that clears it up in 1 day is diaper rash cream. Try it it works. I know how painful it can be..
   — concetta D.

June 11, 2002
Brenda, Call your doctor immediatly. This needs to be treated and documented . This will help you to get your excess skin removed with no problem. I was too embarassed to go to my doctor because of my weight and when I got that way it smelled really bad,no matter how clean I kept it. The first thing I was told when T T issue came up was I didn't have the rashes and irritation documented !! Also one way I got releif was to wash the area very well and I laid on the bed with the fan blowing the area dry ,I did this several times a day. It healed up quick this way,if it is a yeast infection you will need medication from the doc.I never put powder on it because my doc. said powder holds the moisture in and allows bacteria to grow. I hope you get releif soon as I know how painful this can be,I couldn't wear underwear when I had those outbreaks. Good luck,Call the doc. right away.
   — Connie Z.

June 12, 2002
I know how you feel, I have had that problem for years, take photos for later for TT. Go to doctor but in meantime, what has helped me tremendously is to keep it dry and the way I do that is with a hair dryer, it works great and is allot less irritating on your skin than a towel, sometimes what has helped me is a medicated powder
   — Grace H.

June 12, 2002
I get a rash that sounds similar. Mine is caused by sweating/excess moisture. I have used deodorant/antiperspirent (spelling ??), which has made the sweating stop, which causes the rash to go away - no moisture, no rash. My daughter (2 almost 3) gets spots on her hind end which look like large (1/2 dollar size) open blisters, which we use pure lanolin on. It is usually cleared up the next day. However, it could be a yeast infection and a doctor would have to determine that. Good Luck and I agree, document, document, document.
   — blank first name B.

June 12, 2002
I agree - call your doctor to get this documented. However, for relief take a nice cleansing shower and dry yourself well, I know it hurts. Take some diaper rash ointment and apply it to the rash. It works wonders! I am pre-op however I would get those sorts of rashes quite a bit. Hope you are feeling better soon!
   — AphY Girl

June 12, 2002
did you try Gold Bond Medicated powder? regular cornstarch is good---for more severe--I have used diaper rash meds like desitin
   — Linda L.

June 12, 2002
I am pre-op but have also had this nasty rash off and on for years. I too, keep it clean and dry (I use a hairdryer). Because yeast infection likes dark moist areas, I lay on a bed or hold my tummy up, with a lamp about 18 inches away. It almost always clears up within a day. If I havc to go someplace, I clean it, dry it and then use cornstartch. I don't use creams or lotions because this just helps keep it wet.
   — Carol H.

June 12, 2002
I use corn starch a lot it helps to heal and it don't have purfumes in it
   — Dianne B.

June 19, 2002
Brenda, Try pre-natal diperine, if it's good enough for babies it can't be bad for us. pre-natal is heaver than most other creams & last longer. I put it on then some toilet paper on top of that. I use it at nightime & the next morning you can tell the world of difference. Use as you feel the need, day or night. (please excuse any typo's) Janet
   — Janet C.

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