what is the risk of having a pulmonary embolus?

is there anything that you can do to possibly prevent pulmonary embolus? is being overweight or just having the gastic bypass a risk?    — Debbie D. (posted on September 10, 2002)

September 10, 2002
The way it was explained to me is that the abdominal surgery and the inactivity for the first few days afterward can cause a pulmonary embolism. However, most doctors will order (tons of) heparin shots to prevent the blood clots. They hurt, they bruise, but they work. 8)
   — Laurie V.

September 10, 2002
WALK WALK WALK WALK and WALK somemore. As soon as that cathder is taken out, get your butt up out of that bed and WALK....Also, by stoping smoking and stoping the taking birth control pills can also aide in this. Good Luck!
   — heathercross

September 10, 2002
Hi... You might ask your surgeon if you are a candidate for a Greenfield filter to be inserted. It will filter clots that attempt to go to the heart, lungs, brain. It does not dissolve them but traps them so that they can be dissolved before hitting their destination! I had one put in the day before my surgery and it was a piece of cake (pardon the pun). It also now gives me lifetime protection from clots traveling. Also, walk, walk, walk is key both in hospital and at home, avoid riding for long periods without movement (if you must, get out and walk every 45 min to an hour for a little bit). My best to you.
   — AJC750

September 10, 2002
Hi, SHe is right, WALK, and you can walk BEFORE the catheter is out!! I did, They will just attach it to you like a pocketbook. The more you walk, the quicker you will heal, the better you will feel, the less chance of any problem. My best to you :)
   — Gina D.

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