Has anyone had open VBG surgery where the surgeon CUT instead of using staples????

Met with my surgeon yesterday. Dr. Abawi, Canada. I'm in Canada. I'm having an open VBG surgery. He really suprised me when he told me that he now cuts right thru the staple line in the VBG surgery instead of just leaving the stapes there. Has anyone else had this done? I would really like to hear from you. Thanks. Love this forum. I see him again next Thursday and on that date I'm hopeing for a surgery date. Allready saw the nutritionist, had the blood tests, etc. Marti :>)    — Marti C. (posted on October 25, 2002)

August 30, 2003
I had the same surgery in October 2002 and I am down only 116 lb in 10 1/2 months. I'm told by the nutritionist this is great and way above average. I got infection though. I'm not sorry. Best decision I've made.
   — Ruth M.

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