
I was reading the "Pouch rules for dummies" and they talked about "water loading". Does anyone do this and what exactly do you do and why?    — Kelly* P. (posted on November 28, 2002)

November 28, 2002
I can't really explain it, but I would make sure this is something your doctor wants you to follow, the pouch rules are not necessarily fully agreed upon by all surgeons.
   — Linda 1.

November 28, 2002
It's drinking as much water as you can tolerate between one and two hours before you eat and then nothing for the hour before you eat - and nothing for at least an hour after. I can't stand doing that - and I WANT to eat a bit more so I don't do that. But...
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 29, 2002
From what I understand the water loading is drinking as much water as you can hold right before you eat. You should be forever sipping on water to prevent dehydration then the water load helps fill you up so you take in less food and helps for the hour after that you are not supposed to take in any fluid. Check with your doc to see if he recommends this. =)
   — Kim D.

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