Skin Tags

These skin tags are driving me crazy. I have about 20 little ones all around my neck and one on the skin that covers my rib cage. My question is: what kind of doc do you go to when you want them removed AND does it hurt (I have read that they burn them off with liquid nitrogen). Help! I can't wait to get rid of them.    — Wendie G. (posted on December 9, 2002)

December 9, 2002
Wendie: You should see a dermatologist. He/she will decide the best course of treatment.
   — ZaZa F.

December 9, 2002
I've had a few removed by a dermatologist. I don't remember how she did it, but I do know it wasn't painful. I have been surprised that a couple I have appear to have shrunk since my surgery.
   — garw

December 9, 2002
I had the same thing, They burnt them off with this little electric heated knife. It didn't hurt but the numbing shots sure did.
   — dkinson

December 9, 2002
If they are small, your PCP can cut them off with scissors, doesn't hurt at all, if they have a bigger "base", they can use a silver nitrate stick to "cauterize" or stop bleeding. They are no big deal.
   — Dana S.

December 9, 2002
Pre-op, when I had active sleep apnea, I had literally 100's of them. I'd get 50 off, 60 took their places. I tried various methods, but the preferred form for me was the liquid nitrogen. Doesn't hurt much (I musta done over 1000 of htem, over time), if they hold it too long, might ache a bit after. BUT, once your sleep apnea is gone, they may just go away, too.
   — vitalady

December 9, 2002
I had many develop in pregnancy. Your PCP or dermatologist can take care of them in various ways. I had my friend slice mine off with a scalpel (OK, but she's a doctor ;-) Was almost painless). I kept trying to talk my hubby into it, but he wouldn't do it... he he. So far the ones that I had cut off have not come back. On one of the bigger ones, I have a small bump, but that's not even as bad as the original tag.
   — w8free

December 9, 2002
Wendie- I had the same problem, and just went to see my family doctor. He said that I could get a sharp pair of scissors and just cut them off myself. He said it was no big deal at all. He went ahead and cut off about 20-25 of them that were all over my neck, shoulders and a few on even on my face by my eyes. It was quick, and did not hurt that bad. It just feels like a little sting and then goes away. He put a band aid on them and sent me out the door...and three weeks later, I can't even tell they were there at all. He did say that if the base of the skin tag is very large and thick, that I should come in and have him do it. But in any is a simple procedure you can do right at home. Good Luck! (Open RNY 7/23/02 -93 lbs)
   — Shawnie S.

December 9, 2002
I saw my local GP and she sliced them off with a special razor. It hurt no more than a needle does. Bleeds a little more though.
   — Gremlin Q.

December 10, 2002
My PCP zapped them off while she was removing two icky moles--she sent them to the lab in order for insurance to pay. In her defense, one of the moles was irregular which was why the whole group was sent for testing. It didn't hurt me but my doctor numbed me up--I returned to work right after the procedure! I need to go back because I have more to remove!
   — jenn2002

December 10, 2002
I was getting a facial at an esthetician's office and decided to have him zap some little spider veins around my nose and tiny-tiny scarlike bumps on my face with this tool that some highly-trained estheticians use. He also said his tool would get skintags, and I had one on my neck he zapped. Absolutely no problems, although I'd go to a Dr. for a large one.
   — cddgo

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