
   — Kelly* P. (posted on February 8, 2003)

February 8, 2003
No, it's still aspirin. Check with your doctor but most say NO aspirin products and no NSAIDS, just Tylenol for pain relief.
   — Linda 1.

February 8, 2003
They don't have asprin if I remember correctly it has tylenol and caffeine. Some will say you should avoid the caffeine I bought them they taste pretty awful but did the trick. I now always take regular pills I have never had a problem swallowing them.
   — Candace F.

February 9, 2003
I have been using the Excedrin Quicktabs for about one month and they really work well for me. I found that if you move the tab about on your tongue it dissolves faster. As far as the taste goes, have you ever tried crushing a regular Tylenol and taking it with applesauce? I did and I gagged for about a half hour! The Quick tabs are 500 mg so I just take one and that usually is all I need.
   — Lisa D.

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