Weight Shift to form an

We are desperate. Have just returned from a friend's in UK whom we have known from college. He has now reached 505# and has not been able to leave his house for 18 months. He suffered an attack of cellulitis and catatonic shock 1 yr ago. Most serious problem is that weight appears to have droppped from chest/waist down to form an "udder" between his legs, so that he can no longer drive and can only walk with enormous difficulty. Keeping clean is difficult too and a nurse has to wash the parts he cannot reach. He now has open sores on the lower part of his body. He now has swollen testicles believed caused by water retention. Since the "udder" rests on the swollen testicles , he is in constant pain. The doctors have no idea what to do and send him back and forth between a cosmetic and traditional surgeon. The cosmetic surgeon said no operation would be possible unless he can diet to 360lbs, but he appears to be in constant pain and even with dieting, losing this much weight will take months if not years. Please, is this a known condition? Can you suggest any books or articles we can send to the doctors - they really seem completely floored. Thanks for your help Tim Dean, Switzerland [email protected]    — Tim D. (posted on February 20, 2003)

February 20, 2003
I'm so sorry for your friend's complications. I don't know anyone with the same problems, but I wanted to comment on what the cosmetic surgeon. Maybe it is different over there (you said UK, right) But, you don't have to be 350lbs. to have WLS. There have been people on this site that weighed 600, 700lbs or more and had the RNY. I think that could probably save his life right now! CAn he consult another doctor? I'm sure someone would perform surgery. SOrry I couldn't be of more help...
   — Lezlie Y.

February 20, 2003
HI there. I think you should visit Big Pete's website (he was recently on the Oprah Winfrey show). He weighed around 800# when he had his gastric bypass. You can visit his website and email him. I am sure he would help your friend and direct him to the right doctors. see I hope you can find some help for your friend!!! ((hugs)) for him.
   — SarahC

February 20, 2003
Tim, I suggest that you help your friend try to find a surgeon that performs weight loss surgery. A traditional surgeon and a cosmetic surgeon may have no clue what to do but a good WLS doctor would. There are many people here who were 500 or more pounds and successfully had this surgery. Your friend seems like a good candidate.
   — Cindy R.

February 20, 2003
I agree with the prev. posters. It sounds like it would benefit him greatly to have WLS. Is the UK the United Kindom? Well If so you can find a doctor there who does the surgery by looking under 'find a doctor' then click 'browse the list' then at the bottem of that page there is an area to check doctors out of the USA. When I looked there were a few listed. Hopefully someone can be found for you friend- Also you must be a good person yourself to take such a great interest in his health-good luck.
   — Jan S.

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