When I lie down or even tighten my stomach muscle I have a large knot in the mddle

of my stomach.Itsticks up pretty high,what could this be?    — MMClosing (posted on February 23, 2003)

February 23, 2003
Did you have open surgery, because if you did it's just the scar tissue. It will heal and go away with time. But please do check this with your doc. I know that I had that problem and that's what it was. Good Luck to you.
   — Regina C.

February 23, 2003
Sounds like a hernia to me. Get it checked out by your Dr. Best of Luck!
   — Laurie L.

February 23, 2003
I had a knot too, early on and it went away. But to be safe, have it checked out.
   — Rhonda V.

February 24, 2003
Hey Melissa, after my Lap RNY I had what looked like an upside-down soup bowl on my stomach. It really stuck out, although it didn't hurt. Whatever it was it went away with no complications and it wasn't a hernia in my case.
   — Michael N.

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