What would cause my lower legs, feet and ankles to swell?

I'm four months post-op and have been a somewhat slow loser, but down 50 pounds since surgery and 75 pounds overall (lost 25 before). I exercise, drink lots of water and get in a fair amount of protein through protein drinks and diet. My lower legs don't get any smaller and my ankles and feet are very swollen by the early afternoon (if not earlier). I have a sedentary job, but try to get up and walk as often as possible and keep feet elevated when possible. This is very frustrating and makes me feel like I haven't lost any weight at all. Any ideas?    — Jeana B. (posted on July 11, 2003)

July 11, 2003
There are several things that could be causing the swelling. I'd talk to your doctor, but until then you can get some support stockings at the pharmacy to help keep compression on your legs while at work. I realize it's summer and this might be too hot for some people...but maybe you work in AC.
   — Sarahlicious

July 11, 2003
Dehydration can cause this. Are you drinking 8 cups of non caffeine liquids a day?
   — bob-haller

July 11, 2003
Dehydration can cause this. Are you drinking 8 cups of non caffeine liquids a day?
   — bob-haller

July 11, 2003
I agree with Bob Haller. 64 oz of water is the minimum. My dietician did a calculation and it turns out I should be drinking 80 - 100 oz. What color is the urine?. If it is dark and has a strong odor. That could be another sign of dehydration. These are opinions not medical advice.
   — snicklefritz

July 11, 2003
Lots of things can cause this, I am assuming before your surgery they probably checked you kidneys and all that so it is probably either from salt, hot weather, dehydration or even from being over weight which is why mine do it! Ask your doc and definatly drink more water that is what they told me to do other than my water pills they prescribed!
   — Saxbyd

July 11, 2003
Are you eating a lot of soy protein? I have seen on this site that it makes some people retain water . . .
   — ctyst

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