Why does this happen after every meal?

I am 4 1/2 months post op and was wondering, why is it that after every meal I get this awful flem that forces its way up my throat. Sometimes its so horrible that it makes me want to gag.    — catian12 (posted on July 17, 2003)

July 17, 2003
I generally get that only from over eating and it is often the precursor to vomitting. Try slowing down when you eat. It can be just one extra bite that does it to me.
   — Carol S.

July 17, 2003
I,too, get this when I overeat. Sometimes I vomit. Sometimes I sneeze but the flem is the first sign that I have had too much. I am now almost six months out and just learning when to stop before i get the phelgm.
   — Delores S.

July 17, 2003
An email friend of mine who had surgery on Jan 30 of this year, was having a lot of phlegm problems, too. Through working with her surgeon's office, it was determined the problem was being caused from too much post-nasal drip. They started her on some medications to help dry that up, and it seemed to take care of the issue. Maybe that's what your problem is, too.
   — Carlita

July 17, 2003
Is it flem or foam?
   — janice L.

July 17, 2003
HI,i to had your problem it is most likely frothing,one of the things you could do is drink warm lemon water in the morning it helps push the phlem or foam through.and you are most likely eating to fast used to happened to me all the time it is very hard to break an old habit of eating fast,good luck hope this help...
   — GRACE M.

July 17, 2003
Hi! I know where you are comming from. I have the same problem. I asked my doc about it, and he said there is a mucuous that your stomach produces when you eat, and it helps digest the food. Where our stomach's are smaller, it still produces the same ammount of mucuous, and when you eat, you can get that feeling.(He might be blowing hot air, but sounds fairly reasonable). I've noticed I do this when I eat something that done'st agree w/me, eat something w/ too much fat in it, have eaten too much, or don't chew well enough or take too big a bite. It doens't happen very often now, but ususaly when it does, I throw up the foamies (air mixed w/ mucuous), and eventualy it gets better. I've found by watching what I eat (DH is reading what I'm typing and just asked why watch the food? does it do tricks? gotta love-or want to strangle him LOL!!) and how I eat, it doens't happen as often. I've also found it happens more in the morning. I've started drinking at least 8-10 oz in the morning when I get up, and eating in the car on the way to work, and that does seem to help. Look for patterns, and keep track of it. It may be something you can controll a little. They say this too shall pass(sigh). Good luck and God bless!!
   — mellyhudel

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