what causes bad taste in mouth

   — MissThankful (posted on September 17, 2003)

September 16, 2003
I recently asked my surgeon that question. He said that it sometimes caused by ketosis, all of the protein that you should consuming or there is a small pouch that they make when they do surgery in which food sometimes does not immediately wash out. If it's the later then you'd be tasting old food. He said not to worry about it unless it does not get better after time. Soon after surgery it was really bad for me. Now at 6wks it's only occassional. I keep listerine pocket packs in my bag to clear out the taste.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 17, 2003
Try taking chloroform gel caps, you can get them at the health food store, they help with bad breath/funny tasting mouth.
   — missmollyk

September 17, 2003
As a follow up to the chlorophyll suggestion: You can actually buy liquid chlorophyll at any health food store (even Wild Oats, Whole Foods, health food section of the grocery store) and add about a tablespoon to your water and it is DELICIOUS. I know I can't take gel caps yet and if you don't want to risk getting a pill stuck on the way down, just try the mint-flavored liquid stuff. Like I said, it's totally refreshing - tastes like fresh mint - and it aids in digestion, fights bad breath, increases your blood cell count and enhances your immune system. I can't drink my water without it anymore - totally addicted. It's sooooooo good, and good for you too!! :)
   — Tiffany J.

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