Am I doing this right?

Ok, I had open rny 9-30-03, I have no problems drinking at least 60 oz. of liquids daily, I haven't had any problems with my eating. I am just tired alot and take a nap daily, sometimes twice. Started walking one block slight incline daily, about wears me out, need to cut back to half. Not taking much meds as yet, able to control blood sugars, no Diabetic pills at all, even stopped 2 anti depressant meds, no more acid reflux, able to sleep on my back for first time in years! Started trying to help prepare dinner and folding laundry so far. Not much. Anyway, no cravings, no head hunger as yet.No dumping. Just tire very easily and sleepy. Scared I might do something wrong, like drinking too much. After surgery I had to stay in hosp for 8 days, came home and was back in 4 days to ER for pnuemonia and found blood clot on spleen, Dr. drained 1 1/2 qts. of liquid off my left lung. But came home feeling lots better. Taking vitamins, Tums, Potassuim twice daily. Try to get in a couple of protein shakes a week. Anyway, I guess what I am asking is if I am on the right track or should I slow down anything? Just scared of doing wrong and ruining everything. Any suggestions? Thanx bunches. Patricia 314/292/190 18 days post-op.    — pateblkbrn (posted on October 18, 2003)

October 18, 2003
Patricia, sounds like you are doing great to me! As for exercise making you tired, I think that is to be expected when you are so newly post op. One thing I found was that when I exercised, I always felt better the next day (and I lost more the next day) so I wouldn't reduce your walking. In fact, I would try to work up to more and more. It will get easier. I promise. I started on 7 lbs less than you. Keep up the good work!
   — aejbhm

October 18, 2003
Patricia, sounds like you are doing great to me! As for exercise making you tired, I think that is to be expected when you are so newly post op. One thing I found was that when I exercised, I always felt better the next day (and I lost more the next day) so I wouldn't reduce your walking. In fact, I would try to work up to more and more. It will get easier. I promise. I started on 7 lbs less than you. Keep up the good work!
   — aejbhm

October 18, 2003
Patricia, Congratulations on your surgery! I had mine on 1/3/03 and it was @ 7-8 weeks before I had my full energy back. The first month or so was the worst for stamina. Like you, I had to lay down a couple of times a day. I went back to work 2 weeks after surgery and it was much too soon. I could only do 1/2 days ~ by lunch time I was exhausted. I remember that first week back to took me twice as long just to get ready in the morning! Simple things like gathering laundry, going to the store, etc, just plain wore me out, and I had no complications like you did. I highly recommend you listen to your body. When you're tired, lay down. Keep drinking the water and protein shakes (shakes everyday if you can!) and keep up the light walking for another couple of weeks. You'll be so surprised at your energy level when it does come back. Coupled with the excitement of the weight loss and the new healthier you ~ it's like a miracle! Again, Congratulations!
   — chelle3081

October 18, 2003
Patricia- You are getting so tired for two reasons: (1) you just had major surgery and (2) you are doing too much given your limited caloric intake. Your exercise efforts are noble. But, it is just way too soon to be pushing your body like that-- it is simply impossible to be getting in enough calories to compensate for the needs generated by your exercise. You do risk putting your body into "starvation" mode and watching your weight loss grind to a halt (which happens when caloric intake is so low and the body senses that it must conserve everything). It's good you want to speed up your loss and improve long-term health by exercise, but at this stage, I wouldn't. I achieved my goal (more than half of my starting total body weight lost in less than 12 months) by reducing carbs, expanding protein and not (I repeat "NOT") exercising. Not that I won't start a program soon, but I didn't need to exercise to lose the weight (although I know that I can preserve my long-term health now that I am at goal by exercise).
   — SteveColarossi

October 18, 2003
Patricia, you are doing ok. You can't drink too much - no way. Give yourself a break - you had major surgery just over two weeks ago - give your body time to heal and to adjust to not eating. Walk as much as you can, comfortably and don't push yourself too much. I went back to work after two weeks but I had a desk job and as soon as I got home in the aftenoon, I'd sleep for an hour before I could even think about dinner or anything else. This won't last forever; soon you will have more energy than you can possibly imagine.
   — Patty_Butler

October 18, 2003
The only thing I can suggest is to make sure you are getting in enough protein. For me it made a world of difference. I started a protein shake at 4.5 weeks and by the 5th week I was up and raring to go. Good luck!
   — TheresaC

October 18, 2003
I agree with the others, you are having normal postop fatigue. I would try to only exercise as much as you feel comfortable. Definitely don't be too aggressive with your exercise for the first 6 weeks. One thing that I notice is that if I don't get in my protein I feel more tired, so make sure you are doing your best to get in the amount of protein your doc recommends. The one thing I noticed was that you are taking Tums, which is calcium carbonate - the wrong kind. You need to be on calcium citrate, and make sure your vitamin has iron. Another thing that helps with fatigue is B12 sublingual. Keep up the good work!
   — bethybb

October 19, 2003
Patricia, it sounds like you're doing very well to me. I'd say you're a pretty normal six-weeker! However, I do agree with a previous poster about the anti-depressants. If you're not doing so, be sure to work closely with your primary care doc about your meds. As long as it's being supervised, then I say you're fine, and just give it some time. Routines will kick in and start to feel normal, and your tiredness will go away. Hang in there, and keep it up!
   — Vespa R.

October 19, 2003
Thanx everyone for your input, needed it all. I know I left important info out, my physch slowly one month pre-op lowered 2 of my anti-depressants, one was for sleeping, he said these meds were partly because of my weight depression. and yes I see him once a month and can call for emergency any time.He said one med still on is most important. So I didn't go cold turkey on any meds even my diabetes pills, and that part is going great! As of today lose is 23#. Thanx again, Patricia
   — pateblkbrn

October 19, 2003
Patricia - fatigue is fairly normal, i guess, but to me it seems as if you may be experiencing a tad more than you might hope for. do you still drink fruit juice with water? when i do that, i feel a big boost in my stamina, and i feel much better. i am 26 days post op with a lap rny. i had my surgery on a tuesday and went back to work on monday doing clerical work. my surgeon said to wait a full 4 weeks before beginning any exercise as there is a great deal of healing going on inside. My surgeon also has me taking Tums twice daily - but i'm post menopausal as a result of a post-mortem hysterectomy back in my 20's - so i don't have an iron requirement. i do a chewable scooby doo vitamin in the mornings. a tums a bit later - a couple of bites of peachy yogurt for breakfast, water and water, and did i mention water? i do some protein about 10:30 or 11 and then again in a couple of hours, with a tums in between, along with - you guessed it! water. in the afternoons, i will drink my juice slowly (almost luxuriously) snd i find i feel really good. then i come home and do my b12 and some protein and some jello. i've been able to keep up a better pace doing this than i have been able to maintain in over 2 years now - and i'm anxious to start doing some light exercising! i don't know if this helps you at all, but since our surgery dates are so close, i thought i would just share in some detail so you could compare. good luck to you! everything will be fine! Diana 305/140/-38
   — Diana D.

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