An extended

My plastic surgeon has recommended an extended "T" abdominoplasy vs a routine one. What I am concerned about is that the complication rates due to poor healing of the incisional tissue can range between 15% to as high as 30%. He said that if we can "get me over the hump" I will be much more happy with the results of the extended "T" than the routine. Anybody had an extended"T"? What say all of you who have had abdominoplasties. And, can anyone recommend a goo ps in the Seattle/Tacoma area? Does insurance pay for this type of surgery? Thanks for your help    — januaryrn (posted on December 17, 2003)

December 17, 2003
If you have a LOT of fat above your belly button, then the anchor cut might be the best way for you. I just had one roll of fat and didn't warrant that type of cut although I had one PS who wanted to do that. I'm glad I didn't go with him. Also get more then one opinion for plastic surgery. The first person you go to might not be the best choice.
   — Patty H.

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