Pain in upper right side abd. comes and goes--can't move or breathe

I have had a re-occuring pain in the upper right quadrant of my abdomen and I still have my gallbladder, not on Actigall, is it stones? It started about two weeks ago and comes and goes. While it is there, I cannot move or breathe without it sharpening. It is now about 8 on a scale of 1-10 when it occurs and it lasts for about 1-3 minutes. I already have an incisional hernia and it is right of that, not same as gas or constipation pain. Is there a simple test they can run?    — who A. (posted on January 15, 2004)

January 15, 2004
Hi Jill, I'm sorry to hear that your having such pain. I'm not sure about a simple test, but I definitely would get it checked out ASAP. God BLess You Jill and hope you get this resolved soon.
   — Myrna E.

January 15, 2004
It sounds like your gallbladder. You should have an ultrasound to make sure. They could remove it and fix your hernia at the same time!!
   — Patty H.

January 15, 2004
Eight months post op I had an ultrasound and found out I had gallstones. I had two attacks before the ultrasound. My surgery was scheduled for the end of August and my ekg was abnormal, so it was postponed until October. The doctor came to see me before surgery I told him I thought I had a hernia. I’ve never had one before and wasn’t sure, but I had a bulge at my belly button. My incision from open RNY is from below my breast to three inches below my belly button. Anyway, the surgeon said it took longer to repair the hernia than to take the gallbladder out. He did say he didn’t put mesh in, so it may come back. He was probably running short on time, but I’m glad he did both procedures at the same time. Good luck! Open RNY Micropouch – 12/12/02 – 213/133/125.
   — Jazzy

January 15, 2004
Jill, yep, sounds like it could be gallbladder problems. Especially if the pain goes thru to the back. And unfortunately, it will get much worse before it gets better. Let your dr know. He will probably want to order an ultrasound, which is no big deal. Just a little uncomfortable if your gallbladder is inflamed.
   — lharbison

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