Those of you who had anchor Tummy Tuck I have a ?

I had my surgery the 23rd of JUly. My bottom half on mysurgery is looking good however, the top portion looks about the same. It realy looks like I have a hugh hymatoma(spelled wrong) anyone else had this problem. He did take skin from the area but I'm thinking it was not enough. Your input would be great.    — sarah C. (posted on August 23, 2004)

August 23, 2004
Hi I had my surgery on August 5/04 and I have the exact same thing. I just saw my surgeon today and he said everything looks wonderful and it is still really puffy there because that is where they bring all of the skin together and it will flatten out no problem but it will take time. There is the most work done at the top of the incision at the breast bone and that is why it looks like nothing was taken away. We just have to remember it can take up to 6 months for the real results to show and to be patient. You are not alone I have been having the exact same feelings and thoughts as you. I had something under the skin that felt like it came unattached and I freaked out he said show me and then laughed and said everything was fine and it was just muscle and swelling. If you have any other questions feel free to email me. Good luck and take care.

August 23, 2004
Ditttttttttto !!!! I had a full TT (anchor incision) Aug5th- I'm very unhappy with the results- My bottom half (below the belly button) is pretty good- still some swelling- quite puffy- but no saggy skin- From the belly button up to my breast bone looks the SAME. There is still ALOT of loose skin- I'm aware that we must wait for swelling to go down, but it's OBVIOUS that this is LOOSE SKIN (not swelling) and if anything- once the swelling goes down, the skin with be even LOOSER- I posted my concerns just a few days ago- I'm GRATEFUL to have had this done- it's much better, but I feel my Surgeon promised something he did not deliver- He used words like "washboard abs" and "flat as a board"....Ha! not even CLOSE- I knew I'd probably never be wearing a bikini- but I thought I would be nice to maybe show off my mid-drift a little once in a while- but I'm just right back where I was----- wearing baggy clothing to cover up the skin (ugh)
   — WABBIT F.

August 23, 2004
Remember, that most of us gave the PS crap skin to work with. I had a LBL which included an anchor incision. He was able to remove quite a bit of the upper panni (above belly button) with this surgery but we knew it would not be all of it, especially the large blobs that hung on the back below the bra line. So I knew from the start it would be two surgeries and my insurance even approved it in two stages. 10 weeks ago I had the upper panni removal done and am cut all the way around at the bra line. The area the back blobs were looks very good, however the skin on the front has relaxed and I have a slight roll again. I'm not thrilled but I do know that it was very tight after surgery and that he did his best. However, the skin in the front has very large stretch marks and where he anchored everything to my ribs, that skin has stretched some and caused the roll. In reality if I want it to look "perfect", it will need to be revised which I hope to have done when my legs get done in Nov. In reality I need the anchor incision opened for about 4 inches from the breast line down and more taken out of the circumference plus some lipo on that skin and then the horizontal incision under the breasts opened up and the remainder of slack removed that way. However, it may turn out that I still may get some sag because the quality of the skin, overstretched for about 30+ years, isn't good. I had tons of stretch marks cut off but there were still plenty to remain. It also is important to wear something tight to hold the skin down in the early stages. It will help with the swelling and also to help anchor the skin back down. I wore a longline bra for about 6 weeks, because I could not stand a normal bra on that horizontal incision line. So go out and invest in a few longline bras. The surgeon may not have told you about this but it sure would not hurt. Remember we did not have model bodies that needed minor adjustments, we are WLS patients who had significant skin to remove and the more you had to remove the less "perfect" the results may end up being. My lower portion also looks awesome and tight. I think women in general are predisposed to have the extra fat in the midriff. Revising the area will be a lot simplier and cheaper, so it's not the end of the world. My PS revised a number of small areas from my first PS when he did the 2nd one. They were not problem to get healed up fast the 2nd time because there was so much less work involved. My surgeon once said he would love to start all over on my body after he finishes doing everything the first time. All of the major excess skin would be gone and then he would be able to fine tune everything for the best results. However, my budget won't allow that and I doubt he would do it totally for free. Minor revisions done at the same time as other work, he has done for free so far. Anytime I'm a little down about the roll, only because I like to wear tight fitting tops now, I just need to remember where I came from. In reality the small roll I have most 43 yr old women would kill to have. Never in my life did I think I would nit pick my body the way I am. PS is a good thing but it can bring out a breast in us we never knew existed. LOL
   — zoedogcbr

August 24, 2004
As Chris said, most of us gave our PS "crap" skin to work with. I had a TT a little over a week ago, w/o an anchor incision. Below the incision I am absolutely flat, with the pubic area just a little puffy. He lifted it just a little bit, and I am very happy with the rsult. However, above the incision I am still swollen, but can see the writing on the wall. I will be much improved from the pre-op stage, but I know the skin will still be a little loose. My PS who is my husband's cousin, was very honest with me. He said that post-op wls skin is tough to work with, and said that as he was stretching and sewing it, that it was loosening. I am hoping that after healing, that working out at the gym will help maximize my results. As Chris also said, I look pretty darn good for someone aged 47, and a heck of alot better than I did pre PS. I don't plan to do continuous revisions, as my chest and pubic are a will eventually meet if I keep at it. LOL! I am just glad, as I have already said elsewhere, that my skin will not get caught in my jeans zipper anymore.
   — Fixnmyself

August 25, 2004
I had anextended TT with thigh lift last June and am very pleased with the results. It takes almost 2 months for all of the swelling to disappear. Do NOT eat any salty foods and no alcohol. Both cause fluid retention like mad. I also kept a heating pad on my lap at the office for a very long time. (My office was like a refridgerator). I think that helped the fluids reabsorb. I had a slight 'ridge' above the incision line for about 4 months but only I relly noticed it. My belly is FLAT at 14 months post-op, as it has been for a very long time. Please be patient. The bruising will eventually fade. Unless your PS says you have one, you probably don't have a hematoma. I hope not. Diane PS My profile page tells more about my PS adventures...
   — DianeN

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