Anyone needed a revision for the opening closing up constantly??

Hello all, I have a very dear friend who has been having lots of problems in the past months and has had to have a scope like every 3 weeks, her opening keeps closing up on her and all she does is vomit every time she eats. A doc was slowly stretching the opening, but it keeps closing back up, and wants to place in a tube for 6 months, she has now seen other docs and we all think she needs a revision, seems like like a opposite revision, they need to revize the opening and she is ate up with tons of scar tissue, and needs it all removed at same time, the scar tissue is causing alot of problems also. She is very scared to have this surgery again, she had a very rough go around with the open rny and soo many problems since, she is 18 months post and is now down to 146, she does not want to lose anymore weight. She was an angel to several of us in the last year and now I worry with all the complications she is having that she is now regretting her own decision to have wls. Her name is Mischelle Reynolds if anyone would like to read her profile, I am hoping that some of us here can give her some incouragement and hopefully some will have some insight for her also. She has since moved away from the state where she had the wls and is having to see other docs. Thank you for any help or hope for all of us. I just hate to see her hurting so much. Thanx again, Patricia    — pateblkbrn (posted on August 25, 2004)

August 26, 2004
Patricia, You are a dear friend to think of your friend and to want to help her. I didn't have the gastric by pass, but I would like to convey to her that having this fixed sooner rather than later will be to her advantage. Only the scar tissue will keep getting worse and it looks as though their is some sort of a malfunction with her opening. She may need to consult with a surgeon that specializes in revisions to have this matter taken care of. I can understand not wanting to go through surgery again, but that is what it may take. So Michelle if you are reading this, please see a surgeon as soon as possible so that you can get on with your life and live it like you wanted to since losing all the weight! I wish you the best. Lyric
   — Lyric

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