
I've had a problem with constipation since I started on Puree foods. I don't go everyday, I go every third day and what comes out, is HARD and painful. I've started using Colace like my doc suggested, but that isnt working so far. Is this a serious problem? Should I be concerned? Anybody else having this problem? What is one of these cement blocks get caught further up in my colon? I'm afraid. Help.    — Patricia D. (posted on October 26, 2004)

October 26, 2004
My Doc. gives us Iron in the form of "Iron amino acid chelate" They said that it absorbs better and doesn't cause constipation as bad. When I took Prenatel vits pregnant that had Iron I couldn't hardly go it hurt so bad so I was really worried about this but with these I go pretty much every day and though it is hard it doesn't hurt and is definatly easier than the regular iron. Best Wishes
   — Shell G

October 26, 2004
I take 2-3 pericollace per day per my doctors orders. I was impacted and it was the worst thing I have ever had to deal with postop. I also notice when I eat more low fat cheese I have more problems. I try to add a handful of almonds for the serving of cheese to help with the fiber. I also make sure my calcuim supplement has magnesium and vitamin d because the calcuim alone can cause constipation. Not a fun thing to deal with.
   — ckreh

October 26, 2004
You can take up to 500 mg of colace per day. Be sure you are getting enough liquids and fiber. You may want to try pericolace. It has a stool softener and laxative. Colace is a softener. Do you exercise? That would help keep things going also.
   — dianne E.

October 26, 2004
Dear Pat, I FEEL for you!!! Been there and have done that, I used about everynight about 7pm PHILLIPS Milk Of Magnesia, and in the French Vanillia, and tastes good to I took 3 tablespoons, which this is what my surgeon told me to do but he told me 2 but I added 1 more just incase hahahha and give it to about the1st or 2nd day and boy will you be Fall cleaning if you get what I mean hahhaa, And boy what a releif all the way around. Well GOOD LUCK. Christine Clymire 14 months out 147lbs on the lighter side :)
   — blainejrjeni

October 26, 2004
Patricia, I have the problem too and I'm 13 months post op. My doctor told me to take milk of magnesia and I do regularly. If I miss a couple of days, I'm in trouble! I've tried a lot of other things, I get plenty of fluids, I use benefiber, blah, blah, and I still have the problem. I had my gall bladder out on 10/4 and was hoping that would help some but it did not. Talk to your doctor and keep trying things until you find something that works for you. According to my doctor, continual straining to pass a large, painful stool can cause fissures and hemorroids......not a pleasant prospect to contemplate.
   — scbabe

October 27, 2004
Ask for doctor for a presecription for Miralax. It's a powder, mixes clear into anything, works great. I used that for a while, but now that I take a Magnesium supplement I don't need it. Good luck. hugs, Ann....RNY 9/10/99....260/129
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 27, 2004
3+ years out and its still a issue if I dont add some extra oil to my eating. Early on one day I ate some greasy onion rings and ot FAST relief:) As long as I add some extra oil I am fine.... You might give this a try.
   — bob-haller

October 27, 2004
I dont want to be bashed as I do not take more that 3 pieces a week. I use sugar free, low carb russel stovers candy.The candy satisfies my want for sweets and I dont over eat them because I know I will get very loose stools.Dietician approved as long as I stick to 3 a week.. 13 months p ost op and at goal.
   — Kathy S.

October 27, 2004
I use Bowel Softeners every three days. Dulcolax to be exact. I take three in the morning, first thing, drik an 8 oz. glass of water and about 30 minutes later, I am up and in the bathroom....WHAT A RELIEF !!!
   — cindirella

October 30, 2004
Patricia, I would advise you to up your water intake. I know it's difficult in these early post-op days, but between using the Colace and trying to get in my fluids, this problem has somewhat resolved for me. Another thought is this: I've always perceived that I had more BM's before surgery because I was putting more INTO my system. I prob'ly now have 4 or 5 BM's weekly and this is kind of what my body has gotten used to. Hang in there and talk to your surgeon or primary care doc if this is really troubling you. God bless, take care & I wish you the best. Amy
   — Amy G.

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