Does insurance pay for abdominoplasty and breast lift after WLS?

   — csanchez1111 (posted on April 6, 2005)

April 6, 2005
Wait to have any plastic surgery until you are no more then 20 pounds from your goal weight. This way you'll get the best results. You will need to have pictures, letter of medical necessity from your plastic surgeon, I would also do my own letter and document all problems you are having due to the excess skin (odor, rashes, etc.). If you are in a PPO plan, you do not need a referral from a PCP to a PS. If your PCP wants to write you a letter of medical necessity, it couldn't hurt. Breast lifts are harder to get covered by insurance - reductions are easier.
   — Patty H.

April 7, 2005
I have BC/BS HMO IL through Albertson's(Jewel foods) I just had a TT w/ MW and a Mastopexy(breast lift) and I was approved.... no copay since it was outpatient:) They paid:)
   — Metal Girl

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