I need a Tummy Tuck A.S.A.P.,the skin is irritating red and it smells.

My plastic surgeon says lose at least another 20 more lbs. before he even submits the insurance information.My question is what can I do or what else do I need documented to help this process.I go back to him in June 2005.I think I'm more worried about my chances.I also have medicaid insurance so I'm really worried about there response.Any Suggestions??    — Timeko G. (posted on April 23, 2005)

April 23, 2005
I can't help you with the surgery problem but I can give you suggrdstion on how to get it to feel better, I have an "apron" that sometimes gets really red & wet & smells It is caused by Candidda or yeat usually. Over the counter, clean it real well with hot water and soap, then pour some hydrogen perioxide on it, pat dry and then place some of the antifungal poser on it like Lotrimin(yes the foot powder), and I usually do this twice a day when it happens and it dries up and disappears
   — ET

April 23, 2005
You need to take pictures of your rash as well as having the plastic surgeon or physician document that he is treating you for the skin rash. As long as you have that documentation you should have a good chance for coverage. Mona
   — monymony

April 24, 2005
Hi! My surgery will be in June. As a former Certified Medical Assistant, your symptoms sound like you might have a topical yeast infection. Conventional Wisdom - Wash the area gently and thoroughly at least twice a day with an antimicrobial soap (you can get this at your local pharmacy) and keep the area as dry as possible by dusting it with Tapioca Flour. Sounds weird, but this flour is one of the few that does not feed on yeast cells! A Naturopathic Physician told this to me. You can get this flour at nutrition centers. After opening, keep the flour in the fridge. Definitely see a health care professional; you might need some antifungal oral medications as well. Also, wash your clothing and towels using the hot water option on your washing machine. Good luck!
   — T.L. P.

April 25, 2005
My dermatologist suggested ZEASORB powder. My pharmacist orders it for me. It did the trick. Make sure you have your doctor document in your chart your irritation, etc.
   — Laurie LOVES her DS

April 25, 2005
Hi, I KNOW how to fix this one!! I dealt with this all the time before my surgery and and after!! Actually 15 years total and until 3 years ago unsuccessfully. It works with tummy flaps and breast flaps. I've tried them ALL, and the only one that worked for me personally (no offense against any other remedies that worked for others)was first, take what pictures you need before you do this cause it works and you won't have a rash after. Clean and dry the bothersome area. A blowdryer on cool setting worked for me. Glide a nice smelling, good brand that works on YOUR armpits deodorant solid on the area. That's it! The area is caused mostly by sweat and where there is no sweat and with the creamy basis there is no irritation. And the nice scent keeps the area smelling nice too! Way better than the rotting flesh smell!:) My mother used to give me "home remedies" of corn starch, gold bond,etc. etc. because she suffers with it also but even corn starch after a short while caused friction "burn". My mom wouldn't try it cause she thought it would cause her to have an infection using a nice smelling deo on that but once she tried it, she is a believer. Can you believe it? My mom taking my advice? HA HA I came up with this one on my own so I'm afraid you won't find it anywhere else unless someone else has thought of it too. Give it ONE try and see if you don't think so also! Please let me know how you made out!
   — Connie O.

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