Can you overeat and not throw-up?

I don't get full off the 2 ozs. i am supposed to eat. often it takes about 4-6 ozs to fill me up. is that supposed to be? Am i jeopardizing the vbg i just had 3/29/99? Also, i know its a mind thing, but i have cravings for solid foods and i must admit that I have tried them to see if I can have them and I can but I haven't tried to make a meal out of those items only tasting. i am still on full liquid diet which is boring and am wondering if those who are not on a full liquid diet and more of a soft-solid type food are you still experience weight loss. i have lost 8 pounds since 3/29/99.    — cindy N. (posted on April 15, 1999)

April 16, 1999
Cindy! I am so glad to see your posting. I've heard so many people say "i could only eat half of it" or things to that effect...i thought I was really blowing it!! But I guess every body is different. Look at it this way... at least we are getting more vitamins and protein which is hard at this stage! Apparently the cravings are typical. (I would really like a hamburger right now) I just got off the liquid stage and am on pureed foods. I think the key is eating very, very slow...I'm not very patient, but when I did this, I found I was quite satisfied after about 3oz. I think it's all a matter of mind-set...breaking old habits.
   — Carol W.

April 19, 1999
Cindy - Your body will let you know when you've had enough. I had the RNY last August and at first I never threw up. Then, all of a sudden, when I would get too much in there, up it would come! A lot of your cravings will go away. I am amazed that I can looked at a box of doughnuts or a candy bar and they don't even tempt me anymore. Good luck to you!! Beth
   — Beth B.

April 29, 1999
Hi Cindy. I am 2 months post-op & I too can sometimes eat alot more than I thought I'd be able to. Liquids go through faster, but I can't really explain why I can eat 1/4 of something one day, & 1/2 the next.There's several things I can't eat at all.Hey, as long as that weight is coming off, don't worry... be happy! (sorry, couldn't resist) Hang in there!
   — vicky C.

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