What can be applied to scar to fade it away

   — Jeff S. (posted on February 18, 2000)

February 17, 2000
Jeff, there are many people farther along than me ( I am 1 month postop), so I hope you will get alot of response to your post. The one thing I have heard repeatedly is vitamin E lotions put right on the scar (after your Dr. ok's that). I have a rollon applicator I got at GNC. I also keep neosporin on it. Good Luck!
   — M B.

February 18, 2000
Try pure Vitamin E oil. Use it daily (nightly) at bedtime. It is working for me. It costs about $10.00 for a small bottle at Wal-Mart. Linda ([email protected]) Victorville, CA
   — Linda F.

February 18, 2000
I have used Vitamin E capsules, I break open the capsule and rub the oil on the scars. I had surgery on my lymph nodes in my neck, and the scar is hardly visible!!
   — Jennifer M.

February 18, 2000
There is a product on the market now just for fading & reducing scars. I have seen it advertised in magazies. It looks like a flat adhesive strip, about 4X2. It can work on scars as long as they are still pink in color. You should look for the name of this product on the internet. I know you can order them. You should not put anything on your incision untill your wound is healed completly. It will hold bacteria in against your site. It could cause infection as well as cause your site to re-open. Good luck.
   — Juli T.

February 18, 2000
I don't know if your scar is a keloid or regular one. If it's a keloid (which mine turned into) there's Juveness that will help the scar fade and flatten out. It's pretty expensive tho. I got a 7" X 1 1/2" piece that cost $67.50. You tape in on top of your scar. I've been using it for 4 days now and already see a big difference. I'm 7 months postop with a terrible keloid scar. You can get this through the internet and their web page also tells you where you can buy it in your city. Hope this helps! I tried Vitamin E and Mederma, nothing helped my scar!
   — VickyTaylor

February 18, 2000
Hi, Jeff-- My surgeon recommends straight vitamen E oil (no perfumes, additives). Hope this helps! (mind is fading some after 7 months) Good luck~
   — charlene M.

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