Gillieun Barr ~ Has anyone heard of this?

Has anyone heard of Gillieun Barr - it's caused by an infection where the muscles attack the nerves - can cause severe damage? I heard of a woman in the hospital last weekend who was on a ventilator and had had gastric bypass 2 months ago. The neurologist diagnosed it as this disease as a result of the surgery. I know it can happen from any surgery but I'm curious how common it is - it's pretty scarry stuff!    — Ronda B. (posted on August 14, 2000)

August 14, 2000
Hi Ronda, some of your information (or your perception of it) is a little bit off base so let me tell you what is in my medical dictionary about this condition. It's the immune system that does the attacking of myelin sheath and this causes interference with conduction to the muscle fibers. It's true that Guillain-Barre can result from an acute viral infection but that woman could have picked up the viral infection anywhere. The surgery itself couldn't have caused the disease unless she picked up the virus while she was in the hospital. When I had my surgery I went to a place that only did bariatric surgery so I didn't have to worry about being on the same floor, or in the same hospital, with seriously ill people while I was recovering from major surgery. If you're concerned about getting ill after surgery speak to your surgeon.
   — Kellie L.

August 14, 2000
Guillain Barre syndrome <neurology, syndrome> Acute infective polyneuritis that results in a form of peripheral neuropathy with temporary loss of movement and sensation due to inflammation of multiple nerves (and loss of myelin). The exact cause is unknown but has been associated with an abnormal immune response to viral infection, particularly cytomegalovirus infection, in which there is cell-mediated immunity to a component of myelin. The disease may be autoimmune in origin and complete recovery can take up to six months. I got this definition from As the person who responded before me, talk to your surgeon regarding this disease he.she would be able to give you clearer information on it. I know personally, I had to think positive and my reality was that the weight was killing me just trying to carry it. I had the VBG done in Feb, 2000 and have lost close to 90lbs. Keep the faith!!
   — Kobie M.

August 15, 2000
My father had GBS about 3 years ago. The doctors told us there is no way to determine how he got it. He had flu shot about 2 months prior to the symptoms showing up. Years ago the swine flu shots were said to have caused many cases of GBS. It is a virus and who know how or where my father came into contact with it. From all the info I have from Dad's doctors and my research, I am not sure how a doctor could diagnose it as a result of the surgery.
   — Amy B.

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