What should I buy for after surgery?

Hello.....I am having surgery on the 12th, I am going to the store tomorrow to get everything I need for when I get home. What kind of vitamins should I get? SHould I get Protein Shakes or supplements? How much of each kind of Vitamin should I be taking? Should I ask for liquid form? What about hair loss? What can I use to prevent it? Also, what should I have when I get home, in the way of broths and liquids? Any help to ANY of these questions would be greatly appreciated....Thanks    — Stacey S. (posted on January 6, 2001)

January 6, 2001
Good luck on your upcoming date! It is a good idea to be prepared, especially if the winter weather is bad where you are. I had open rny on 11/27 and my dietician gave me a list of foods to have on hand. I will try to remember a few. I was on all liquids for the first 6 days so I had sugar free jello, broths, sugar free popsicles, crystal lite, and any thing you could "see through". Thank goodness the next stage included any liquid you could not see through but was still strained. This included cream soups, sugar free fudgsicles, sugar free pudding, skim milk, yogurts that were smooth. I strained many types of soup and ate the broth. If you are having open you may want to have peroxide and gauze pads to clean your incision after the staples are removed. I have been chilled to the bone since surgery (and I used to be "hot natured") so a nice warm robe and footies is necessary. Since you are supposed to drink as much as you can I got a little glass pitcher from Walmart that I fill up with icy water over and over again. It is handy to have by the bed at night. You may not need it, but I had itchy skin and used two tubes of hydrocortizone cream on my body. Also the moisturizer that you put on your lips is good. My lips are still cracked and dry. On hair loss, just as soon as you can have it, drink protein supplements to try to get 60 g of protein a day. I use Dr. Adkins' Protein Shakes. I get them at GNC and love chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. I add some crushed ice to them and 4 oz of skim milk. If it weren't for these shakes I wouldn't have a chance getting my protein since I am still not eating meat. I take Bugs bunny Sugarfree chewables --two a day. God bless you and keep you! Marilyn in WV
   — Marilyn C.

January 6, 2001
Stacey: My surgery is Jan 19, so here's what I have bought so far: my vitamins from www.vitalady (regular vitamins, A & E, B-12, Zinc, Calcium & D), a pill crusher/splitter, a small container to take my protein supplement to work for lunch, and a 7-day vitamin organizer. I also bought "scargo" for my scar. I bought a bunch of vitalady's protein "samples" too. I'm trying them out now, and will order containers of the ones I like for my post-liquid stage. Since I hate grocery shopping, I'm stocking up now on my liquids and foods for later stages. I've bought sugar-free kool-aid, crystal light, sugar-free jello, chicken and beef broth, various soups, tuna, canned chicken and turkey, frozen skinless chicken tenders, splenda, a hand-held mixer (only $10 at Walmart) and lots of tiny tupperware containers. I also have some baby spoons and baby bowls and cups with lids. These I can put my protein supplements in with my 4 oz. of water, shake up, and drink. Hope this helps! Good luck on your surgery!!!!
   — Kristy J.

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