What Vitamins should I be taking?

I have bought Flinstones Sugar Free Childrens chewable vitamins, is this enough?It says to take one a day for adults, but should I take two because they will not be absorbed properly? Should I be taking more vitamins? What about Hair loss, does anything slow that down? Any Suggestions?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 9, 2001)

January 9, 2001
I take everything Barb does, plus zinc. Which I hate. I have to take it in two segments, with food, because it gives me a really upset tummy.
   — Beth B.

January 9, 2001
That depends on the type of surgery you've had, how much you have bypassed or how much common channel you have. IF you've had RNY, you've lost the function of the stomach, so there are 8 elements that need to be supplemented in specific ways. Protein, iron (not ferrous SULFATE); calcium (citrate + D only, not Viactiv, not Tums); Vitamins A, D, and E; zinc and B12. As times goes on, you'll need to watch these in your labs most carefully and observe if the levels are gradually dropping. The calicum level can only be observed by having a bone scan. Because of the massive wt loss AND the inability to absorb calcium, we become prime candidates for osteoporosis. You can watch the D levels in your blood, but have a bone scan at about a year out if you're not already getting them.
   — vitalady

January 9, 2001
My doctor perscribed a chewable pre-natal vitamin called Natachew that I used the first few months after surgery then I switched to a prenatal tablet called natafort. He likes the prenatals because they have more minerals and larger doses of vitamins in one pill. I supplement with a zinc and vitamin c tablet in the am and a calcium before I go to bed. I take the zinc because I keep hearing that it helps kep your hair in your head after gastric bypass.
   — Andrea P.

January 10, 2001
Howdy: I take two Flintstones complete every day. I also take 500 mcg. of B12 per day. I'm 9+ months out from RNY and my levels are all normal. I eat Dannon lite vanilla yogurt every day for breakfast (just about daily, anyway). I probably need more calcium though. I lost hair from month 3 to 6. It stopped falling out two days after I began using Nioxin shampoo and scalp treatment. I was told it was imperative that I use the scalp treatment (conditioner) as it is THAT which stops the hairloss, not the shampoo. I bought this from my beautician. I try to get my protein from food, as my surgeon does not recommend protein drinks. If you are still menstruating, you'll need to take iron. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

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