My hair is falling out despite intake of 75 grams of protein a day.

I have been desperate to try anything to help stop this hair loss, so I called my beautician and asked about Nioxin shampoo and she told me that if I started using it I would always have to otherwise the hair would fall out after I stopped regardless. Has anyone else used this product and found this to be true. She said your hair would grow with the product but just stop when you stopped using it and all that grew in because of the shampoo would fall out. Help is this true?    — kcraig (posted on March 23, 2001)

March 23, 2001
I have used Nioxin and believe it helped me from losing more hair than I would have without it. My hair doesn't fall out when I don't use it either. Rogaine is the product that allows hair to grow, then fall out if you don't use it. My hair loss started at about 4 mo.s post op and lasted for about 6 weeks. I used Nioxin since before my surgery and all post op and still use it. I have very fine baby like hair and was terrified I would go bald! I did lose alot of hair on the top of my head and the loss has finally slowed down. I have also taken vitamin supplements for hair and nails and take Prenatal vitamins. Like I said, I started with very fine, thin hair and I am doing ok now. The loss hasn't completely stopped but at least it isn't coming out by the handfuls anymore. I think it is just a matter of time. If you are one of the "lucky ones" to lose hair just be patient, keep up the good nutrition and gentle hair care and it will eventually slow down and then stop. Hang in there! Lydia
   — Lydia H.

March 23, 2001
Hi, also try using the vitiman zinc, it is suppose to help with hair growth. Good luck
   — Angela E.

March 24, 2001
KC: There are doctors who will tell you that some people will lose hair regardless of vitamins, supplements or protien intake. I agree. Sometimes our bodies go into shock following a major surgery and drop the hair for about 3 months. I did this from month 3 to month 6. Also, Nioxin is not something you will always need to use. I used it starting at the end of the 6th month and my hair falling out stopped within 2 days -- it may have been time for it to stop, I don't know. I don't use it now and I don't lose hair. I'm one year post op RNY on 4/4/01.
   — Cindy H.

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