Why am I coughing so much?

i am 4 weeks post op and i thought that food was getting stuck going dowm. i also have a terrible cough. i went to my internist and he said my lungs and sinus are clear. he feels the cough may be a post op issue either from intubation or reflux. i do not have burning reflux, i have had it in the past, so i know what it is. i believe i have figured it out. i dont think the food is getting stuck, i think it is backing up from my pouch being too full...i think i have excessive mucous, which i have read can happen from your stomach overproducing to help pass the food through.even though i am eating small amounts, i think the pouch is full of mucous before the food gets there and that is why i am having trouble. anyone know what i am talking about or had this experience or think it may be something else????? thanks for your help    — Kathy831 (posted on March 30, 2001)

March 29, 2001
I coughed for about six weeks after surgery. I couldn't even talk without coughing. It was very annoying. Neither my surgeon or my PCP found anything wrong with me and eventually the coughing just stopped. Maybe you will be lucky and that will happen to you too.
   — Barbara C.

March 30, 2001
I also had the problem with coughing. But found it worsened only when I was not drinking enough water. Right after surgery your body is on catch-up. Try drinking more water and see if you also notice that it helps. My cough would even wake me at nite time. But after about 3 weeks it went away.Hope this helps some...
   — Teri D.

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