Has anyone had their blood pressure go up after surgery?

I am about 3 months post-op and have lost almost 55#. I went to my PCP today to order my blood tests to check vitamin levels, etc. My blood pressure was 148/100! She did it three times (with a big cuff) and neither of us know why it's high. Before surgery, it was border line (160/90), but I was not on medication. I have to go back next week to have her check it again. If it's still high, she's going to put me on medication. Has anyone else had this experience. What's going on???!!    — Molly W. (posted on March 30, 2001)

March 30, 2001
Hi, I am in the same boat,I had BP of 135/85 before and the last 4 times i have been to the doc's it has been about 140/100,just have tests on my kidneys done they came back ok so whats next? I am 9 months post .Sorry I can't help but maybe some one knows .
   — Lorraine W.

March 31, 2001
Hi, I have been on B/P medicine for over a year now. The staff told me my blood pressure went up either during surgery or during recovery time but went back down. I went to my doctor 4 months ago and the systolic was up to 160. I went back last month and my systolic was down to 100 and my doc cut my medicine in half. I do stop in with the work nurse and have it checked every so often just to make sure it is ok.
   — Jan M.

March 31, 2001
I wonder if your diet may play a role in this problem. It seems that a lot of the foods that I can tolerate are high in sodium. Maybe, you could take a look at what you are eating and their sodium content. Just a thought... Shelley
   — Shelley.

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