How does WLS recovery compare to hysterectomy recovery?

I have had a complete hysterectomy and I done fine with the surgery.... how is WLS different from a hysterectomy. Are they somewhat the same as far as recovery and pain? I have a friend who had surgery and the day she can home was so bad she said she missed food or the craving and ask if I was sure that I really wanted the surgery..She sounds like she now wish she hadn't got it done... is this normal??    — lyn K. (posted on April 16, 2001)

April 16, 2001
Lyn, I also have had a hystorectomy (in 1995.) I had an open vbg 4-9-01. I feel like yuck now. And I should I just had major surgery. I'm not able to eat until tomorrow and an very excited but scared. I think it was easier for me to go through the first surgery. I do not know what type of surgery you are interested in but I'm sure there will be some pain. I had to decide what I was worried most about the pain or my health as an overweight person. Just pray about it and you will know what is best for you. Goodluck
   — jmasks

April 16, 2001
The main thing that's different about this is where the scar is located. As far as that goes, it's much easier and faster recovery. With the food thing, my doctor has been super lenient about what foods I can eat. I was only on liquids and mush for the first two weeks. Then soft foods for two more. Now that I'm hitting that four week mark, it's so much easier emotionally. I understand your friend's feelings. It's hit me a couple of times that I'll be dieting for the rest of my life because of the dumping, etc. I cried to myself in secret once or twice, but now I'm feeling better. It is a huge emotional adjustment, so I'd advise you to think long and hard, and research not just the "happy" folks' responses, but also those who had problems, and why. Much success, whatever you decide.
   — Amy K.

April 17, 2001
Lyn, I had hysterectomy in 1995, and lap RNY 3/26/01. My hysterectomy scar is crosswise above pubic area (bikini cut?) My RNY scars are 6 small holes/cuts ranging from 1/4 in. to 1 inch wide. I thought I did pretty well pain wise from the hysterectomy as I was able to walk - not ride a wheelchair - out of the hospital door. I was out for 5-6 weeks with hysterectomy. Out 4 wks for WLS. After hysterectomy, I was pretty much in bed for the first 1-2 wks and took pain pills for a short time at home. With the RNY, I stopped morphine pump after 2nd day and took only 1/2 a pain pill once at home. Even though I am 6 years older and 50 lbs heavier since the first surgery, within 6 days post op, began walking on treadmill, and attended a family wedding. Three reasons account for the good recovery: skilled surgeon, lap v.s. open procedure, and walk, walk, walk in hospital and at home. Hope this helps and Best of luck to you.
   — danirat

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