Did anyone have trouble with their meds?

I suffer from schizoaffective disorder and am taking zoloft, wellbutrin, risperdal, and depakote. My psych is concerned that with the side affect of malabsorption, that the meds will not get into my system. Did anyone have a problem with that? Also, did your doctor lower your medications as you lost weight or does it really matter on your mental state?    — Robin P. (posted on June 4, 2001)

June 4, 2001
I am almost 7 weeks post op and am on celexa, for depression and ziac, for high blood pressure. I have not noticed any diminished effect for either medication. It may be too early to tell, but so far so good......
   — Judy M.

June 5, 2001
I am 2 weeks post-op. All of my pills are small but once in a while they seem to get caught in my throat, I usually just wait a little and take a couple of sips and eventually they go down. Don't know what else to do. Dr. Yates said I could start taking my medications, which I need. Suggest you start with a wet throat that seems to help some...
   — Cathie C.

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