Length of time needed to get back to work

I have a fairly new job and was hoping to have the surgery over the summer when I am off work, looks like it is going to be pushed back. Realistically how long do I need to take off from work for the average post op recovery? My job is a desk job and does not require any lifting, etc.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 9, 2001)

June 9, 2001
I had an open fobi pouch. I was out 2 1/2 weeks and worked 6 hours a day for the next 2 weeks. Good Luck.
   — Helen C.

June 11, 2001
I had open RNY surgery and was out of work for 3 weeks and I can tell you that it was NOT enough time. If I could change one thing, it would be to have this procedure done lap because open is sooo much harder to recover from.
   — Sandy V.

July 13, 2001
I am a workaholic and asked this same ? My surgery went well and I felt pretty good, had a desk job with no lifting and I returned in 5 days post-op. Just had to stand up and stretch my back every hour or so.
   — Julie P.

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