My Ins. will not pay for my excess skin to be removed, are there any resources avail.

I have lost 125 pounds since July 2000. I have alot of excess skin on my upper arms, upper thighs, and stomach. I feel very self concious in a bathing suit or sleeveless outfit. Are there any resources out there to help with the cost of this. I feel and look great except for this one problem.    — Kelli S. (posted on June 10, 2001)

June 10, 2001
Don't give up...I had to go through three appeals before I won the first reconstructive surgery, and I don't plan to stop there...Best Wishes!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 20, 2001
You can also contact your burn unit in your area sometimes they will do surgery if you donate your skin.
   — [Anonymous]

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