I had surgery on Fri. 14th.,my insicion feels fine. but

I have this mucsle feeling pain on the right hand side, alomost as if it were a rib. It is the only thing that bothers me. Dr. said that was normal, but pain meds barly take the edge off. If it wasent for that, I'd be doing great. Anyone have this? Is it a mucle? Terrible to stand up, but gets better when you stand. thanks, marie    — Marie A. (posted on September 19, 2001)

September 19, 2001
i have the EXACT same thing..pain on the right side in the rib area. Sometimes it feels like the muscle is spasming. And i asked my dr today and that is exactly what he says it is doing. He said it will slowly get better as the muscle heals. It was really bad until about a week ago ( i am five weeks post op) but now it has gotten a bit better every day. It hurts worse though if i lay or sleep on my side.
   — paula B.

September 19, 2001
It will go away eventually. I also had that problem, and it seemed worse when I was in bed at night because it made laying on my side uncomfortable. Now at 9 weeks post op, I have no pain from it at all.
   — Dee P.

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