Does everyone who has open RNY have a G tube?

Does everyone having the open rny need a g-tube?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 12, 2001)

November 12, 2001
Well...either I never had one, or they took it out before I was "conscious" of it. One of my friends (with the same surgeon) did have one, and in fact went home with it in. I can't tell you why some have it and some don't, but it must be some individual reason.
   — Tracy L.

November 12, 2001
I didn't have a G tube. My doctor doesn't use them. Many don't. The best thing to do would be to check with your doctor's office to see what their policy is.
   — georgiacarol

November 12, 2001
I had lap rny and went home with two tubes. One for drainage came out that following monday, the other 1 month later. I was told it was because it helped relieve the pressure that can build up, gas and all, and helps prevent a rupture of the stiching.
   — Rachel F.

November 12, 2001
I had an Open RNY and I dont't remember any tubes. Several months later I had a second surgery same surgeon; he went in the same site had to make the pouch smaller and I had two drainage tubes and a G-tube. I guess it depends on the surgeon and what he feels is needed. Nynese
   — Nynese W.

November 12, 2001
I asked my surgeon (Dr Magnuson @Johns Hopkins) not to use one and he didn't. I had no complications and he later said he would offer all his patients the choice...
   — Chris S.

November 13, 2001
I had an open rny and expected to be in the hospital for 4 days with NO drains. My surgeon said that they weren't needed. Well, I guess I was the exception because fluid began to build up and I ended up with a gastic bleed....they had to insert a g-tube emergently and I was in the hospital for 10 days...with the g-tube draining fluid for 6 days. It was an awful experience....not the surgery which was much easier than I ever imagined....but the g-tube. I couldn't eat or drink and it irritated the back of my throat. The numbing spray didn't help much. The fluid drained into a jug and it was pretty disgusting to look at...I didn't want any visitors so I was pretty lonely and bored. The nurses kept telling me how wonderfully I had done and that if not for the g-tube, I would have gone home in 4 days. But....I got through it just fine.
   — [Anonymous]

March 12, 2003
I had open RNY and was told flat out that I would leave and have a G tube for up to six weeks. If the new connector between the pouch and the small intestine were to leak, without the G tube I would have to be reopened up. With the G tube, I would stop all nourishment via mouth and just be nourished through the tube. Conservative approach that was just fine with me. Its major surgery, my surgeon wants to "protect" his patients to the maximum, and he belives this technique provides smart options over a need to reopen.
   — not2001

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