How long -realistically- before I can return to work? [I work in Labor & Delivery ]

   — Tash R. (posted on November 29, 2001)

November 28, 2001
Read my profile it talks about my Job. With LAP surgery I returned fully after a month from surgery, since the chance of hernia is nearly zero. Now OPENS get hernias all the time after waiting 6 weeks or more before returning to work. With a delivery job lifting heavy stuff I would definetely try to get your surgery LAP.It would help if your profile was more complete.
   — bob-haller

November 29, 2001
I work in Labor and Delivery too! I had my wls 9/27/01. I had open"FOBI" Pouch. My incision is only 2.2inches!!! I was planning on 8 weeks off,but I have had a few complications so I have extendind my MLOA for 12 weeks! L&D is very physical as you know! I have had alot of trouble eating so my energy level is not what is needs to be for those 12+ shifts! Plus, I wanted to take time for me! I do have a friend who is a scrub tech who had the same surgery as me and she went back to work in 2 weeks! She did not have any problems eating or with energy!! Take time for you! This surgery has been very emotional for me! It has been alot harder than I thought! Not to scare you,but allow yourself time to be a patient and to heal! Good Luck:)
   — katherine H.

November 29, 2001
I work in Trauma and I've taken 8 weeks off after my RNY on 11/12. My surgeon says I could have gone back after 3 weeks but, sweetheart that he is, he indulged me. Like L&D, Trauma is a pressure cooker environment and can be very physical. While I'm feeling well physically, I want to have established a good 'routine' eating-wise by the time I go back to work. We tend to eat on a catch-as-catch-can basis where I work, so I want to know that what I'm "catching" to eat won't slow me down and will meet my nutritional needs at the same time. Feel fortunate that you can take the time off and be good to yourself. If you don't, no one else will!
   — Danette H.

November 30, 2001
I had a RNY done open 6/00 and was back to work in just under 4 weeks. (I work nites in a PICU) I was tire but really did ok. 2 of my friends have also had this done but had it done LAP and both were out8-10 weeks with more problems vomitting post-op. It is a very individual thing.
   — Sandy W.

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