I have a funny taste in my mouth since surgery dec3 and my husband says i also now

have bad breath any one else experience this and what have you done?    — ktmckg (posted on December 14, 2001)

December 14, 2001
WOW my breath is just the same way no matter how much a brush and gargle it is still really really bad im glad to read that i am not the only one that is going through this i think it has to do with us not having any stomach acids in our little pouch so the food is going bad and they smell it from way down there????
   — [Anonymous]

December 14, 2001
I was like that myself for the first 2 months of my surgery..everything tasted bad...and I mean everything...water was the worse...It does get better so hang in there...about your 2-3rd month things improve greatly. ;)
   — mjvallee

December 14, 2001
Congrats your in Ketosis, which is your body digesting itself. Atkins dieters try to get in this state, because it means your loosing well. I had super bad breath too, for about a month. The odor is from inside you, so brushing helps a bit but doesnt elminate it. Its noramal and a good sign the weight is going to peel off you:)
   — bob-haller

December 14, 2001
It is because you are in a state of ketosis and burning a lot of fat. This happens when you are not consuming any carbohydrates... You will probably be like this for the next 4 weeks or so. I know mine lasted a good 6 weeks before it went away "magically" one day! Try brushing more often, rinsing several times a day with mouthwash and try some of the new little Listerine sheets (breathfreshners). They work really, really well!!!
   — Kellie Jo B.

December 14, 2001
Yummy! Yes, it was terrible. I read an answer to a similar question months ago to say, 'thats me gettin skinny you smell'. I thought that was cute. I used it on my husband. I am now 5 weeks, and although it has GREATLY decreased in intensity, I still get a taste every once in a while. I chewed EXTRA gum, the peppermint. Some people say never chew gum again b/c you could swallow it, but I haven't swallowed my gum since I was 5 and I have been an avid gum chewer all of my life. Up to you on that one. I also bought some of those new Listerine strips, WOW, they are potent, work great. It won't last too long. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

December 14, 2001
I have heard that eating parley helps with bad breath from within. Not sure if that is okay for post-ops though.
   — crishsapig

December 14, 2001
The word is PARSLEY :-)
   — crishsapig

December 14, 2001
Listerine makes little thing-a-ma-jigs now that you can carry with you. When you have bad breath, pop one in your mouth. I haven't tried it nor do I know the effects on someone who is post-op.
   — Carolynn J.

January 13, 2002
You can purchase chlorophyll tablets from your local health food store. They last longer in the body than mints or parsley.
   — blank first name B.

June 2, 2002
ah, the wonderful Ketosis Breath! I also noticed that I would get a lot of build up on my tongue so I brush teeth AND tongue. And yes, those listerine strips are a great deal!
   — ChickpeaBree I.

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