I'm SO bummed! The Nutritionist says NO caloric drinks, including ALCOHOL!!

I just met with my nutritionist yesterday and she said over and over "NO calorie-containing beverages, INCLUDING alcohol!" I'm not a big drinker, but I do enjoy a social drink or two once or twice a month! Any thoughts? And if I CAN have a drink or two after surgery, what? And how soon after surgery??    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 14, 2002)

January 14, 2002
Yes the nutritionist is correct when they tell you that caloric drinks are not good for weight loss. But let's be realistic. One or two occassional drinks won't kill you. I drink about 2 times a month. It does slow me down a bit but that's a price I am willing to pay to be "normal". FYI 1 oz of alcohol = about 130 calories so beware and have fun.
   — Jeannet

January 14, 2002
Yes... NO caloric drinks.. My doc harped and harped on me prior to surgery that if I chose to drink liquids that contain sugar I am going to fail.. I thank God I was already off of carbonated sugar soda and I did not put sugar in anything... Post surgery you will need to be VERY careful about your sugar intake and there a lots of liquids that are full of sugar.... You will still be able to have very small amounts of juices that are sugar free or not made with additional sugar... As far as the alcohol goes.. I drink about one to two drinks a month at the most... I drink a mix drink using vodka... It is my choice, I dont abuse alcohol.... It has not affected me at all thus far.. course I had my first drink New Years EVe....1 1/2 months post op... Good luck to you!!!!
   — Pamela W.

January 14, 2002
I know exactly how you feel! I am now 7 weeks post-op, and my Surgeon and Nutritionist just cleared me for alcohol, once in a while. I was told to stick with non-carbonated, low sugar choices. From what I have been told, dry wine, or vodka are the best choices. Hope to hear what others are doing!
   — Chloe S.

January 14, 2002
My surgeon asks that we wait six months before drinking soda or alcohol. I have definitely waited on the soda, as carbonation scares the hell out of me, but I have had a glass of dry white wine once or twice, and been fine, although it will hit you big time! In college I earned a reputation for being able to chug 40's, and now I get drunk off half a glass of wine! I dread the reunions! :) Just drink in moderation and be careful. Alcohol is converted into sugar!
   — Deborah W.

January 15, 2002
I agree with the ban on sugary drinks....sugar laden drinks work against you. So, what's the point????? As for alcoholic beverages. My doc advised against it because post surg, the alcohol rushes right into your blood stream and it doesn't take much to get real tipsy....real fast. I abstained for over a year. Then I went out with friends and drank half of a strawberry daiquiri. It almost did me in! I dumped and I got half drunk....and I didn't evn drink the whole thing! My boyfriend doesn't dump with alcohol, but he certainly can't "hold his liquor" anymore. Two drinks and he's drunk. However, from a health perspective, a couple of drinks on special occassions does no harm. Just make sure you aren't driving.
   — [Anonymous]

January 15, 2002
I didn't feel like partying that much, until about 6 months after surgery. You come out of surgery pretty beat up- and you end up concentrating on other issues like TRYING to eat and learning to drink water. Like everything, you REALLY change after surgery- so the important things (or things I thought were important) pre-surgery, changes 100% after surgery- you will be surprised!!! By the time you get the new eating and drinking down, you'll actually START to feel better. You will not even KNOW if you WANT to have a drink, even then! Plus, after surgery everything you eat and drink tastes wierd- and then it takes time to re-adjust to that! So once everything is "semi-normal" or at least you've adapted to your new life, then you can decide what you want to do. It's very hard to answer questions about how you will end up post-op!!! Any how, I drink.... but I cannot drink that much. Hard alcohol tends to make me sick. Zima (or similar) or light beer seem OK with my system... hard alcohol sometimes will sneak up on you.
   — Karen R.

March 3, 2005
My surgeon said I could have alcohol postop 6 wks but only 30cc's (1 oz) of wine, sipped slowly. Alcoholic beverages are full of empty calories and some beverages are full of sugar which can cause dumping and weight gain. Plus it's rapidly absorbed by the body and if you drink more than your supposed to a glass on the lips, a pound on the hips. On special occassions should be fine, like Christmas, birthdays, thanksgiving or once a month or less.

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