Do I have hives?

I am getting so frustrated! I am 10 days post-op, and I encounter something strange every day! For 2 days, I have itched but I thought it was from the allergic reaction I had to the steri-strips on my incision (open RNY 5/2--doctor knows about the steri-strip allergy). Today, I have red, welty BUMPS on the underside of my arms, and it's spread from the incision to my entire stomach-I itch all over. I'm on Paxil and Vioxx---no pain meds for 8 days. The ONLY thing I've changed is putting lemon in my water. Sound familiar to anyone? Any ideas?? Thanks!    — KristyKatt (posted on May 12, 2002)

May 12, 2002
From the Queen of Hives, I would say yes, you have hives. The last time that I had them I had them all over my entire back and they lasted for 2 weeks. I ended up going to the doctor and gettig a Kenalog shot. It is a steriod and although it doesn't make the hives go away, it takes most of the itching and burning out of them. Mine was from a virus that time. The doctor said that in some people the body will try to get rid of the virus by trying to push it out through the skin resulting in hives. Call the doctor and get some relief!
   — livnliter

May 12, 2002
I don't know what you have, but it sure sounds like something the doc needs to evaluate and take a look at. You don't want to be scratching and create an infection so close to the incision. I get all sorts of weird skin things too, so it could be anything...hives, contact dermatitis, even a delayed reaction to the pain meds. Best to check with your doc. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

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