Exactly what is tested when you have post-op blood work?

I am six months post-op and wanted to find out what others are having checked when they have blood work done. I had blood work at 3 months post-op and everything was fine but want to compare what others are having checked. I am scheduled to have blood work this afternoon when I visit my surgeon. I checked the library and could not find a definitive list. Thanks for the responses.    — Cindy R. (posted on August 12, 2002)

August 12, 2002
I just went for my first post op blood work it was a cbc--to see how my iron levels are
   — Linda L.

August 12, 2002
Hi Cindy - although I am currently only going into my 6th week post-op, I did ask my surgeon's R.N. what he will be checking with the 6 month blood work. I was told they will test the following: hemoglobin, electrolytes, vitamin B12, protein, and folate. He feels that you use your internal stores for at least 6 months. He tests at 6 months, 1 year and then yearly after that (unless there are problems before the next year comes around of course). Hope this helps. Good Luck - Anna
   — Anna L.

August 12, 2002
If you email me privately, I'll send you the list we have tested. It's quite extensive, but doesn't leave very many loopholes.
   — vitalady

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