Anyone out there overweight by the charts and have a low body fat %?

I posted this question the other day; however, I could not locate it on the list. Sorry, if it is a duplicate. I weigh right at 182. I am down 180 pounds. Recently, I had my body fat percentage done at my gym. My body percentage is at 21.2. This puts me in the atheletic range for my sex, age and height. However, I am still considered 18-20 pounds overweight by all of the weight charts. I have always been pear shaped and I am going to have skin removed off of my legs and butt in a few months. Do you think I could have 15 pounds of skin? I think it is terrible looking, and a lot of it! I weight lift 5 days a week, and I can see my muscle really pop up when I flex my leg. Has anyone else had this phenomenon? Any feedback is welcome.    — sheron H. (posted on January 29, 2003)

January 29, 2003
My understanding is that our bones become very dense as we carry all of the weight around. As we lose, our bones still weigh more than someone else our size that never had a weight problem.
   — Dana B.

January 29, 2003
One of the things that the BMI charts doesn't factor in is muscle mass. And it does sound like you are working out quite a bit. If any athlete were to compare themselves on those charts, many would find themselves in the overweight range also. It sounds like you are doing great!
   — Yolanda J.

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