Any use Monostat 1 ?

I was on antibioctics for almost a month post op from T/T, Gall bladder removal and hernia repair. Due to this, I developed a yeast infection. I bought Monostat 1, thinking the one time use would be so much more convenient. Question is, Is it a time released capsule? There were other things on the market to use, 3 days and 7 days, same name brand. The only reason why I think it would be time released is that I do not have all that leakage like one would with the other suppositories. It does say not to use tampons, no sex etc for the course of treatment, but how long till it is disolved? A week?    — Marie A. (posted on March 23, 2003)

March 22, 2003
Actually the Monistat pill did not work for me....and my mother inlaw suggested to use...PLAIN I applied it on my Vagina......and it totally helped......try it. It [email protected]
   — Kathleen C.

March 22, 2003
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe if you use the plain yogurt technique as suggested by the previous poster, you have to make sure it has live cultures in it.
   — Renee B.

March 23, 2003
I checked the website and it says that you should avoid tampons/sex for three I think it should be all dissolved in that amount of time. I had both thrush and a yeast infection after my open RNY, and NOTHING helped but time. I tried Monistat and yogurt (ate it AND applied it topically - which did provide brief external relief, but no cure)...even went to my PCP and got Diflucan. It will go away...but not until those antibiotics get out of your system!
   — Amy W.

March 23, 2003
thank you everyone for you answers! Nice to know I have some reassurance!
   — Marie A.

March 23, 2003
read the label, I am pre-op, and diabetic, so I get alot of yeast infections, I thought about using the monistat 1, but I read the label. It says that it will eat away a condom, not those exact words, but that is some strong stuff, no thank you, I do not want that in my body. The reason that they do not want you to have sex, I do not even want to think about it. Read the label real good, and if you have not used it, return it to the store. I will stick with the good ole 7 day treatment, and vasgisal for the itching.
   — cindy

March 23, 2003
NO it is not a time released capsules. don't swallow it. It gets inserted in your vagina
   — Delores S.

March 23, 2003
To Deloris, I know where it goes!
   — Marie A.

March 23, 2003
heheheh You asked was it a time release capsule that is why I answered like I did lol. Also being a nurse, i have heard many times of people swallowing them!. SORRY
   — Delores S.

March 23, 2003
Delores, Thanks for clarifying that! LOL. I guess for some it would easy to get things mixed up.Cheers,
   — Marie A.

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