I had a thigh lift and now the have drooped; anyone else experience the same?

I had a bilateral outer thigh lift performed eight weeks ago. The doctor and I are both disappointed with the outcome. My thighs have drooped considerably since surgery. I have an odd deposit of fat on my thighs. He has already said he would address the issue at no charge; however, he feels the contour of my bottom will be altered, and not in a good way. Has anyone else had this type of situation? Did you have your thighs repaired? I am getting a second opinion next week. My doctor wants me to think hard about my choice, and he doesn't want to do anything for six long months.    — sheron H. (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
Mine was inner thighs but I might as well not had it done. They don't look any better. Good thing capris are in.:)
   — lablady_29

July 16, 2003
Gee, I'm so sorry for both of you! Is this common? Mine are pretty droopy and I do dream of a lift, although they are low on the list of droops!
   — Chris T.

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